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  • List of Mods
  • Stackable range buff for weapons! Sensor relay mod (0.15.18)

"Oh my god! A dozen more of them!"

Mod name: Sensor relay

Mod folder: sensor_relay
Version: 0.15.18_20220831
Compatible with Cosmoteer 0.15.18
Adds range buff ability to Terran control rooms when sensor array(s) is installed nearby
✅ Sensor array: Supplies real-time imagery to nearby control room(s) for analysis.
✅ Control room: Increases range of nearby weapons with input from sensor array(s).
✅ Weapons: Receive range buff from control room(s) up to 300% of original range. EXCEPT railgun launcher which has own range buff
The more sensor arrays, the better a control room improves weapons in range. Effective projectile/laser/beam range varied according to respective speed and lifetime.


Google Drive:
0.15.18 ( ~ 30kB )

Please refer to How to install mod packages for installing zipped mod in-game.




❔ I do not see any changes after activating the mod?

There is no new parts added. Buffs can be observed in Blueprint mode, where

Sensor indicator: Overlays a control room when it receives sensor data. Each sensor array adds 25% to range buff provided via the control room to surrounding weapons.

Range buff indicator: Overlays a weapon when the weapon receives range buff from a control room. If there were multiple control rooms detected. The control room with max buff (capped at 300%) would be selected.


Q: How does it work?

3rd revision, 3 February 2019

  • Fix buff bug. Range buff now correctly increase range of projectiles/shots.

2nd revision, 22 June 2018

  • IdealRange at all vanilla shots/bullets receive range buff for its upper limit only.
  • Credits: Lafiel pointed out IdealRange need to be buffed too.
  • Credits: Walt showed how to buff IdealRange in list format.

1st revision, 20 June 2018

  • Sensor array's GridBuffProvider feeds +25% buff to control rooms within 9-tile radius.
  • Control rooms GridBuffProvider chains combined buff from sensor arrays to weapons within 12-tile radius.
  • Weapons' SelfBuffProvider chains max buff received from control rooms to its shot.
  • Shot: Range parameter can be increased up to 300% original value
  • All vanilla weapons as of Cosmoteer 0.14.1 can receive range buff from control rooms.

Q: Soundbust11: Do the various buffs work with modded parts? Or just vanilla?

Only vanilla parts are supported.
Modder can opt to support ImprovedRange, ImprovedRangeShot buff introduced in this mod.

Q: May I adapt the codes for my own mod?

Yes, the mod adopts Apache license v2.0 which enables freely use, modify, distribute, & even sell the mod.
You're encouraged to adopt same license for your mod but not obligated to do so.

Q: More mods?

More light-weight mods
-Beverage maker ( ~ 0.5MB )
-Extravehicular activity (EVA) add-on ( ~ 10kB )
-Glass armor ( ~ 0.6MB )
-Ion antenna ( ~ 0.5MB )
-Snowball ( ~ 2MB )
-Susuwatari ( ~ 0.5MB )
-Custom Terran shipyard ( ~ 10kB )
-Explosive charge (safe mode) ( ~ 10kB )
-Poohs ( ~ 50kB )
-Sensor relay ( ~ 30kB )
-Railgun accelerator kit ( ~ 0.4MB )
-Hologram flag ( ~ 1MB )
-Panel line decals ( ~ 90kB )

keep it up with these mods cool

clojelo You probably don't know but you made a mistake in your presumption about range. Because range is not going to actually increase the distance at which weapons open fire. It's IdealRange. You have to adjust them, too.

    Lafiel You probably don't know but you made a mistake in your presumption about range. Because range is not going to actually increase the distance at which weapons open fire. It's IdealRange. You have to adjust them, too.

    Ahaaa... i was half-expecting Cosmoteer gurus catch me slacking.
    And here you are.

    In fact, yet to figure out...

    • How to maintain IdealRange vs Range correlation when Range is buffed. Is it by ratio? By original diff? Or something else.
    • Whether runtime parser would correctly evaluate IdealRange in [p, q] format in relation IdealRadius. where p, q are expression in curly brackets, eg { BaseValue=nnn; BuffType=xyz; BuffMode=Multiply; }

    enter image description here

      clojelo I haven't had the time to check all new features but try this:

      IdealRange = FiringRangeAdjustment
      	Type = MultiValue;
      	Values = [Range, .9];
      	Mode = Multiply;
      	Negate = false;


        Thanks, Lafiel, for your extra mile.
        Walt shows how to buff a min/max list like IdealRange at

        Uploaded revised mod with buffed IdealRange.

        Although blueprint UI suggested range buff being relayed to weapons. i still fail to see how increased Range & IdealRange work in real-time battle. Attack arc and attack timing seem largely unaffected for a ship with multiple sensor arrays.

          clojelo Nice. I didn't see that.

          I think that feature is for later with sensors & missiles.

            2 months later

            reading a convo between Lafiel and clojelo is making my brain melt....HELP!!!

            2 months later
            • Edited

            @clojelo Sorry, there seems to be an error in this mod:

            System.Exception: Error loading mod: Sensor relay ---> Halfling.ObjectText.OTNavigateException: Unable to find node at path "<ships/terran/minigun/minigun.txt>/Part".

            I'm fairly certain it's because I'm currently not using 1.14.5 prototype parts, so the mod can't trace a path to the obviously non-existent folders of the prototype parts...

            Way Are you using the experimental build with the minigun? That could explain the error.

              • Edited

              Way Sorry, misread that. I don't know what the error is if you aren't using the experimental build.

                • Edited

                Way Just checked the version of the mod, it is indeed made for the experimental version of the game.


                  It isnt the mod causing it, it is simply an in-game error caused perhaps by a different mod.

                    Namek Fairly sure it is because he doesn't use the experimental build, while the mod does.

                      3 months later

                      Do the various buffs work with modded parts? Or just vanilla?

                        Soundbust11 Do the various buffs work with modded parts? Or just vanilla?

                        Only vanilla weapons and bullets are supported out-of-the-box.
                        Nonetheless, it'd be easy hacking custom weapon(s) to recognize sensor signals.
                        For each weapon,

                        • 3 actions for modded weapon to receive & relay ImprovedRange, ImprovedRangeShot buffs
                        • (Optional) 3 actions for bullet to receive ImproveRangeShot buff if bullet is non-vanilla.

                        There are plenty of examples in mod.txt

                          8 months later

                          dose this work with 15.0

                          fakehero14 Look at the original post. Also, don't necropost.

                          fakehero14 dose this work with 15.0
                          Altraxia Look at the original post....

                          Yes, this mod has been tested up to Cosmoteer 0.15.4 RC as of Oct 2019.
                          Thanks, Altraxia, for giving direction to original post.
                          Welcome to Zombieland #double-tap

                            Altraxia whats necropost?