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Hey can someone help me figure out how to get the supply nodes, corridors, plasma nodes and distributors to work?

Also will they work with the ABH warp core power generators?

MattyBart the best way i find to get them to operate something you place a reactor and then place a plasma node to the core with an arrow pointing away from the reactor and then place a line of supply corridor(s) to what you want to power, i have found that you can't connect a plasma node directly to an item unless it is a storage room, most of the time. note you have to follow a lot of the arrows (they show which direction they draw power from.

    Always take a look at the example ship in the first post.
    Turn on tutorial in the game's setting. You should get a bit more detailed description when selecting those parts.

    Basically you need node "pumps" to first supply the supply corridors so they can transfer them further. The arrows show the direction of the flow. I just saved a bit of editing for the cross parts. To prevent backflow there's always a starting end. The straight part transfers to parts two tiles away and not directly in front. The pumps only supply supply parts. While the supply corridors supply everything defined so far (non-vanilla classification conform parts are not supported).

    Plasma_distributor are for long range transfer meant to represent high power transfers. The plasma_distributor is the main part for long range transfer to plasma_distributor_nodes while the plasma_distributor_node is used to distribute to the local/supply parts. plasma_distributor_nodes also tranfer to other plasma_distributor_nodes. The distance is exactly 20 tiles.

      Lafiel I can't figure out how to get the dristributors to work. There's an "A" with an arrow surrounding it and I can't get the parts to function and transmit the power 20 tiles

        MattyBart The arrow show the direction of the transfer. It's always in a straight line. The simplest way is load the example ship, mark the two parts and copy paste for use. You can use it to count the tiles distances. Honestly counting is a bit troublesome but there's no easy ways. Right now the parts are one of the biggest parts with more then 150 components just to make this possible. Any little thing increases complexity dramatically.
        I've asked walt about graphical support for displaying target areas months ago but still nothing yet.

        edit: The plasma_distributor must be supplied by placing reactors/storage next to it. It's basically a huge pump.

        all example test:


          Hi. When i run game, i see this crash


          nonius There's a duplicate line in strings\ru.txt:

          TorpedoBay20 = "Торпедный отсек 20 (photon torpedoes)"

          Just delete the duplicated line (the 2nd line).


              In my opinion this mod should be #1 (with or without the ship classes) as star wars galaxy divided mod would be a runner up!


              Well, SW:ACD's original code was taken from Abh not to mention specifically ones made by me for it. Considering how many other old mods have had Abh code (and sprites). Abh DNA is already everywhere even if the code has changed over time it's still a fact it helped them to come to life. Whether Abh is considered #1 or not it still was majorly influential.

              @thewoodenlego Note latest version

                Hi so like nonius had i have a really big error and i just installed the newest version and when i try to start the game, the error comes up and when i enable the mod in game it says the mod hasn't been fully loaded

                  Gryph Let's move to the new latest version thread first as to keep things where they should.
                  When enabling any mod you have to restart the game so it can load the mod for use. If you got the error log, please post it or load it up on and link it (keeps thing neat)

                  Lafiel i think i found a bug or .... something
                  bit weird dont ya think? not to be rude im just letting ya know...

                  Lafiel oh sorry i'm new to the forums so it was confusing to me on how I posted a picture. I have pictures but I don't know how to post them

                    Gryph well bud you came to the right forum all you do is go to the post butten move your mouse to the right over the little picture of a mountain and moon and boom easy as that...

                    LordSpearion Np. That's fine. Low priority/not broken things tend to get lost by me among the tens of thousands of changes I make per release. Will be changed in a post 0.5.3 RC4 release after 0.14.4 comes out.

                    Lafiel yokie dok welp im off to make another graphics eating ship... why wont my computer just crash .-.

                      Lafiel Outdated you say?

                      Let me see if abh crashes when i spawn a ship in this version..

                        LordSpearion thanks man!