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Zetsubou_altist No. There is no simple way. You have to add every single ship into mod.txt with replace action (bounty mode.txt) and their cost. You have to create your own BH mod.
You can only change the starter ship by copying into ``builtin_ships/Starter Ships'' but this is not what you want.


    How do I work the docking stations?

      does it only work for drones or can you make it work for custom items? and what i was meaning before was what do i need to build to make the dock works, but i saw enough from the clip.

        thewoodenlego It works for all or any kind of ship/object. There are no limitation other than range (up to 2 tiles from the connector pipe direction; not to the sides). The docking force may be too weak for large ships. And of course you need to supply it with batteries/water/ammo/antimatter in order to transfer them. You cannot transfer supplies without supplies. This is not like how Drone++ or Automation++ works so far.

        Edit: Supplies can be obtained from

          last question i am sure, but why doesn't the shield gens won't to take power from the pipes? (i did get it to work with mostly everything else)
          Really cool mod btw

            thewoodenlego Which shield? There shouldn't be any problem. Restrictions are only for placement. Please, show me the setup then I can tell what's wrong.

              Lafiel Tried this with SW:ACD, it appears to be causing crash.

                RedAndCosmoteer Yeah, SW:ACD's current code is a bit of a mess. Will check.

                  not too sure if this will work but here is my problem
                  i know nothing of how this site works

                    fyi i know the engine room isn't connected i had disconnected it before i did the vid

                      thewoodenlego Have you checked in blueprint mode for the direction? The cross way part supplies only in 3 directions.
                      Edit: Also the straight one supplies 2 tiles away so you don't have to keep them connected.

                        yes i have it is in the right direction

                        thewoodenlego Oh, I see. It's because you connected the plasma node pump to the straight way part which sends power two tiles away so the cross way part didn't receive any. The straight part is a one way part only.
                        I will add more T- and cross ways with different combination of distances (number of arrows = tiles skipped) for convenience.

                        Edit: Still won't work. I'll have to look into the code, although, I know it should work.

                          Solved! Thanks thewoodenlego The problems was that the new feature requires exact placement and area size. Even though, I had the size number correct it was obviously still one short.

                            UMMM i just tried to lay down a hangar fllor and it game me a crash then an error report here is the first few lines:
                            System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

                            at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()

                            at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Rendering.ShipRenderer.GetLayerQuads(String layerName) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Rendering\ShipRenderer.cs:line 124

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Graphics.PartGraphics.CreateQuads() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Graphics\PartGraphics.cs:line 294

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Graphics.PartGraphics.OnPartAttached() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Graphics\PartGraphics.cs:line 116

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Part.OnComponentAttached(SceneNode node) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Part.cs:line 842

                            at Halfling.Scene.Dim2.SceneComponent.InvokeAttached(SceneNode node) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Scene\Dim2\SceneComponent.cs:line 1800

                            at Halfling.Scene.Dim2.SceneNode.NodeComponents.Add(SceneComponent component) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Scene\Dim2\SceneNode.cs:line 1615

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.CommonBasePartsManager`1.AddPart(TPart part, Action onAddedBeforeEvents) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\CommonBasePartsManager.cs:line 716

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.PartsManager.AddPart(Part part) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\PartsManager.cs:line 201

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.PartsManager.CreatePart(PartRules rules, IntVector2D loc, Int32 rot, Boolean spawnedFromDestroyed, Boolean defaultToMinHealth) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\PartsManager.cs:line 175

                            at Cosmoteer.Ships.ShipUpdateInfo.ApplyPhysical(Boolean destroyBlocking) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\ShipUpdateInfo.cs:line 242

                            at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseBuildState.TryApplyUpdate(ShipUpdateInfo sui, Vector2D worldCenter) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\

                              thewoodenlego Doesn't happen to me. Since I didn't change them in anyway I think it might be some other part. None of my test builds caused a crash so I have no idea which part it could be.
                              Please try to retrace your work in normal build mode (not blueprint mode). It should crash the moment you place the faulty part.