- Edited
last question i am sure, but why doesn't the shield gens won't to take power from the pipes? (i did get it to work with mostly everything else)
Really cool mod btw
last question i am sure, but why doesn't the shield gens won't to take power from the pipes? (i did get it to work with mostly everything else)
Really cool mod btw
thewoodenlego Which shield? There shouldn't be any problem. Restrictions are only for placement. Please, show me the setup then I can tell what's wrong.
Lafiel Tried this with SW:ACD, it appears to be causing crash.
RedAndCosmoteer Yeah, SW:ACD's current code is a bit of a mess. Will check.
not too sure if this will work but here is my problem
i know nothing of how this site works
thewoodenlego I can't access your computer. Just upload it to https://streamable.com/ for free.
fyi i know the engine room isn't connected i had disconnected it before i did the vid
thewoodenlego Have you checked in blueprint mode for the direction? The cross way part supplies only in 3 directions.
Edit: Also the straight one supplies 2 tiles away so you don't have to keep them connected.
yes i have it is in the right direction
thewoodenlego Oh, I see. It's because you connected the plasma node pump to the straight way part which sends power two tiles away so the cross way part didn't receive any. The straight part is a one way part only.
I will add more T- and cross ways with different combination of distances (number of arrows = tiles skipped) for convenience.
Edit: Still won't work. I'll have to look into the code, although, I know it should work.
Solved! Thanks thewoodenlego The problems was that the new feature requires exact placement and area size. Even though, I had the size number correct it was obviously still one short.
UMMM i just tried to lay down a hangar fllor and it game me a crash then an error report here is the first few lines:
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Rendering.ShipRenderer.GetLayerQuads(String layerName) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Rendering\ShipRenderer.cs:line 124
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Graphics.PartGraphics.CreateQuads() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Graphics\PartGraphics.cs:line 294
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Graphics.PartGraphics.OnPartAttached() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Graphics\PartGraphics.cs:line 116
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Part.OnComponentAttached(SceneNode node) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\Part.cs:line 842
at Halfling.Scene.Dim2.SceneComponent.InvokeAttached(SceneNode node) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Scene\Dim2\SceneComponent.cs:line 1800
at Halfling.Scene.Dim2.SceneNode.NodeComponents.Add(SceneComponent component) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\Scene\Dim2\SceneNode.cs:line 1615
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.CommonBasePartsManager`1.AddPart(TPart part, Action onAddedBeforeEvents) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\CommonBasePartsManager.cs:line 716
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.PartsManager.AddPart(Part part) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\PartsManager.cs:line 201
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.PartsManager.CreatePart(PartRules rules, IntVector2D loc, Int32 rot, Boolean spawnedFromDestroyed, Boolean defaultToMinHealth) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\Parts\PartsManager.cs:line 175
at Cosmoteer.Ships.ShipUpdateInfo.ApplyPhysical(Boolean destroyBlocking) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Ships\ShipUpdateInfo.cs:line 242
at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseBuildState.TryApplyUpdate(ShipUpdateInfo sui, Vector2D worldCenter) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\
thewoodenlego Doesn't happen to me. Since I didn't change them in anyway I think it might be some other part. None of my test builds caused a crash so I have no idea which part it could be.
Please try to retrace your work in normal build mode (not blueprint mode). It should crash the moment you place the faulty part.
UUUUMMMM, big flaw just found hold on working on a vid for you., i know this is prbably getting anoying but you should know of this one.
if you are wondering what i am trying to do with the large column of hoses i am trying to make the most compressed dock as i can, to put it simply. I am try to build a giant ship and it has three columns left column has a few engines and a dock incase of an emergency and a few weapons. middle has the control room a railgun a few more thrusters and a few other weapons. the right is roughly just a replica of the left.
thewoodenlego No. I'm not annoyed. I welcome critique and error reports as there is no way I can check everything. Every time I make some change I do that to dozens to 200 or all parts. There's simply no way I can check on every little code change.
Why do supply parts have supplies when not being supplied before?
1. This is a complicated issue. When you first place a part the game fills all storages full by default (not in multiplayer tournaments). The supply corridors have storages so they can receive and distribute. I can preset it to zero, though.
2. There is a difference between how supply is being requested internally by the game and by mod parts.
A mod part only gets triggered when a consumer part uses up something. If a consumer parts remains empty it won't be supplied even if the supply corridor has supplies. That's why I haven't enforced zeroing.
Why are crew taking supply back and forth and going in circle?
1. This is partly the AI being dump.
2. The other reason is the pump nodes and supply corridors allow the crew to access their storages. The reason I've not disabled this is because there'll always be players who don't understand how it works and make simple mistake in creating the supply network. This allows the crew to jump in and fix their mistake. Also in cases where the supply line cannot reach deeply encased & blocked parts, the crew can take supplies and go to them the normal way.
So I probably won't fix this feature. Since my simplification is difficult for most people to understand. I'll add more simple obvious parts so people will make less mistakes. They aren't needed at all, though, so smart people should be able to just use the two or three parts.
3. Another reason why the pump nodes and supply corridors request supplies is because the original code was made before 0.14.0 and they needed to be turned on in order to work.
I'll update that so they will no longer be supplied by the crew.
The next release (in a few days) will have it all "fixed".
Good luck.
You can build huge stations that can have bays large enough for battleships if you want. Up to 300 tiles wide with any length.
Maybe in time I can get around to finally add lounge parts. The settings are already there for over a year.
ok thanks
2 questions. 1, do you have a discord and if you don't have one would you like me to create one for you? 2, I was thinking of showing this mod on my youtube for some of my videos would that be alright with you (i will right a link to the mod and anything else you would like me to say in the desc or video)?
thewoodenlego 1. I do have a discord account it's Lafiel#0105 at cosmoteer's server.
2. That's alright with me. But better wait for the next update with the fixes. Do as you want I don't really have any kind of conditions, requirements or so. It would be nice if you can cover on how to build and use parts (maybe a series on that?). This is something I suppose the mod needs but I don't have the time or resources to do.
i was meaning a discord channel for the mod. and i will try my best for trying to cover the mods operation on the vids.