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here she is USS Enterprise NCC-1701 2009 :

What the hell! Stop stealing ships!

    2 months later






    2 months later

    The Kriegsmacher was one of the first mass produced ships by the Interplanetary German Navy.

    The Sturmship was designed to combat hostile ships with energy shields by over whelming them.

    The Leuchtpistole was designed either be used offensively in a crippling first strike or defensively to neutralize enemy shields and engines.

    The Scharfschützen-Support cruiser is designed to support its fleet far from the with point defense and EPC fire.

      talk about a failure in posting

        6 days later

        Zetsubou_altist Excuse me, these are vanilla?

          7 days later

          how to use drones hangers and etc?

          SHADEWRECKS No idea. Hang on a sec..

          EDIT: So drones, you literally place them down and fly them around.

            can you show a hanger tutorial?

              • Edited

              SHADEWRECKS There is really nothing special about hangars so I dunno what you want to know.
              Hangar parts are just corridors with special graphics. How you want them to look is purely your choice of selecting and placing them.
              For docking other ships / drones / etc. just use the internal version of

              It's the small one in the video above. It's been more than a year since they got added so the graphics and button are more advanced / convenient to use. All you need is make sure they got supplies to transfer. Then turn it on and choose the type of supplies. It's all off since you would be wasting valuable supplies if it's always on.
              Docking ships should have collision avoidance turned off. Otherwise they will try to escape.
              Get the ship close enough for the docking is all you need do. The docking part when turned on will activate a docking beam to draw in the ship. It's not strong and range is small, tough.
              And for covering the roof just use the right sized / right handed
              You have to place it on the side or corner. This is purely due to the game's building mechanic.
              Like with most parts their size / property is within their name.
              Use blueprint mode to see directional arrows showing where to expect the coverage. Naturally, you have to use external view to see the roof. You can switch it to open / close the roof. In case you don't see it it might be closed.
              That's all there is. This is a game so just play around and try out the menus and buttons. Read the descriptions / wiki. Only the most crucial have tutorials (power supply network parts) within the game.

              And yeah, crew cannot walk into the hangar. If you must have it then use the catwalk parts.

              GreylerMarak Hello im the one who made the star trek ship library mod if you want to take a look go her

              I've noticed you quite good at shipbuilding I and others would like if you joined my Star Trek Mod team. please contacted me here on discord

              Name: D A N O D U N C A N™#9931

              click this to join the server: Star Trek Mod Team

                6 days later
                5 days later

                RedAndCosmoteer ABH is unstable and some of my ships are not loading. A lot of mistakes in fashion. Constantly crashes. So I decided to wait until ABH was stable. And here I keep ships because I use different computers all the time. I apologize for my English.

                RedAndCosmoteer Have decided that at least vanilla can do.

                  Zetsubou_altist It's because of code changes and cosmoteer bugs, read the release notes. It's also a long time problem with savefile walt still hasen't fixed. All you have to do is load the ship in blueprint mode and save from there again.

                  Lafiel thnks

                    9 months later

                    Zetsubou_altist please specify the prices for the ships. Without them, I can't make them enemies.

                      Xinic_5 Or you can just load them in and test them yourself

                        RedAndCosmoteer, That's a good idea 🙂