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This version is a performance and memory reduction version of the RC3.6 for Cosmoteer 0.14.3. It's about ten times faster (for me). Visually there are minor differences namely windows, and for the time being roof damage is partially or completely absent. These will be added back sometime. Since a lot of work went into this no new parts have been added.

  • Thanks to bug fixes in Cosmoteer 0.14.3 a few things work properly again like missile tracking (half broken since 0.14.0).
  • Regenerative shield work properly now. The problem was storage pseudo-timing mechanism again. Proper control is possible now with logic glue.
  • Cargo transporter room unlocked for cannon ammo only.
  • Plasma Distributor is now enhanced, mirror placement issues are no longer a problem.
  • minor tweaking etc.
  • mod and vanilla wide unlocking of structural integrity field, cooling buff for vanilla thrusters

Previous release notes RC1, RC1.2, RC2, RC3.

Download here (2018 August 13 11:00 GMT) Not Compatible with Cosmoteer 0.14.2
Outdated! Please use at least 0.5.3 RC4

If you got a weak/old computer or have a low amount of RAM use this to replace the standard "mod.txt". This should allow you to load and play with Abh.

Example ship:


Since this is once again an optimization version I got some measurement:
clean first load time 5 min 22+ s
normal load time 1 min 8-9 s
mod changes load time 1 min 27+ s

Cosmoteer vanilla only 397.1 MB
Cosmoteer with full Abh 1447 MB
Cosmoteer with Abh with terran only 916 MB

@Afox2 Please tell me if this is better for you now. Some stats would be nice.

In the future is it possible you could create a more lightweight version of the mod? With less overall parts but only significant parts for slower computers? It would allow for bigger battles with the game not lagging due to the addition of the mod.

    TotallyNormalPerson Yes, as soon as mod dependency is supported. For now if you have to just comment out the first Action group in mod.txt. That will remove all the other ship classes except terran and may save a lot of overhead memory. There's no certain number but perhaps a GB. It will speed up loading, though.

    Lafiel ok, thanks for the tip.

      Found a graphical mistake I missed in my screening. Sorry about that. Yep, happens when you do changes to a few hundred parts. Fixed and Uploaded.

        Lafiel Hey, and how do i do that? i have problems with it too...

          I've fixed two more graphic errors and further improved it. Current mod efficiency 6.5 MB/100 parts including extras.

          leosefcik Use this to replace the standard mod.txt. You should be able to load it.

            Lafiel Ok, thanks!

              Zetsubou_altist You don't have enough memory for the full mod. Use this to replace the standard mod.txt. You should be able to load it.

              what is the difference from abh and the relief mod

              Zetsubou_altist This:
              enter image description here
              No ship classes sections

                Lafiel i cant run the massive ship that was shown in the first post (still gets 2 fps) but large ships are running fine at about 50-60 fps the ship i used to test it this time was the size of the crescent wrath and I've had 3 ships of similar size running at the same time and fps only dropping to ~50
                screen shot just for size comparison Also i was at 50 fps when that was taken
                so it still tanks performance but nowhere near as bad as it did

                  I am seeing a massive improvement in both loading times and actual game play. I will see about getting you actual numbers when I have more time.

                  Well done!

                    Thanks guys for testing.

                    Although, it was a little unknown mistake of mine that caused the majority of lag it was also a weird game behavior. Because it caused lag despite the actual code supposedly not being in used at all yet it did for same reason. If walt fixes this in the next version it might improve in general. I doubt by much, though.

                    There's isn't much more I can improve at this point. Saving on memory requires excessive effort for very little gain while making the mode extremely complex. (saving just one 1x1 tile may require changing dozens of parts) Right now effects are making up a substantial amount of memory used by the mod. There's nothing I can do here. The most thing I could do to save memory is getting rid of batteries and damage sprites. This won't happen anytime soon or at all.

                      Lafiel finally! now i can make my ships with no lag. amazing!

                        😃 Thanks.
                        I'll release a new version soonish and then take my time getting the main parts of 0.5.3 to work to their fullest potential. The problem with them is not exactly because it's difficult but rather they refuse to work as expected and require a few thousands ((10)221+(8)*2000)) of tests to verify. Obviously, I can't do all that in detail. So far I haven't been able to make much progress in these 3 months. Since they have been working "ordinarily" since adding them from the beginning there isn't as much of a need to get it done soonish either. I wouldn't be able to even if I wanted. So I'm pondering about the version release because they are obviously holding the mod back.

                          Хочу задать серьезный вопрос. хочу сражаться против мной созданных кораблей в "singleplayer". но вписывать их все вручную в файл "bounty" очень долго. есть ли способы упростить эту задачу. к примеру: закинуть корабли в папку "X" и они будут добавлены в список ванильных кораблей. извиняюсь за google переводчик.

                          I want to ask a serious question. I want to fight against me crafts ships created in a "singleplayer". But enter them all manually into the "bounty" file for a very long time. Are there any ways to simplify this task. For example: throw the ships in the folder "X" and they will be added to the list of vanilla ships. I apologize for the google translator.

                            Zetsubou_altist No. There is no simple way. You have to add every single ship into mod.txt with replace action (bounty mode.txt) and their cost. You have to create your own BH mod.
                            You can only change the starter ship by copying into ``builtin_ships/Starter Ships'' but this is not what you want.
