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You two are totally right, once you get the hang of it it is not that hard, but getting those first ships in is the real challenge. And even when you are better at designing still not all designs make it past testing.

    Alpha agreed, even if you are good at building there is no guarantee a ship will get in. Oneye DMs me ships and there are ships he has sent me that don't pass. And those are ships coming from Oneye.

    On top of that I tried to account for most of the cheese strats that being used so rail gun kites are not a insta get in like they used to be.

    Northerner Yes, you should certainly keep the testing harder for kiting ships or other "cheese strats". That's why I didn't care too much if testing Predator would take longer, since it uses that OP missile-railgun combo.

      So about that dreadnaught I am building.... ….Ummm ya @Northerner you are going to need to add more tiers. LoL. This thing is so big that I am not even close to being done and its over 17mil.

      EDIT- 1- now over 22mil
      2- now over 24mil
      3- It is now done and its over 27mil

      I am calling it Tartarus

        Warning64 No because, unless something has changed, most people PCs are not powerful enough to load the ships in the tier 12 worlds let alone the tier 13 ones.

        Northerner I know, it was more of a joke. The game is less laggy then it used to be though.
        (EDIT) And yes not all people's PCs can handle the huge ship, but my laptop can. This thing is a beast. It can run a lot of games better than my friend's $1200 PC.

          Hello, I am somewhat new to Cosmoteer and stumbled upon this thread. I'm fairly new to the ship building scene, and would love tips and advice on how to improve upon my ships, especially this first one. I thought it'd be fun to try and design a ship worthy of being added to the GiF mod, so I present my first ship submission to you:

          Name: Bird of Prey
          Tier: 10
          Cost: $3,958,500
          Ship: (Attachment wasn't working)

          The idea with this one was to try something I haven't really seen an awful lot of, layering a design. The basic premise is when an arm is damaged enough to snap off, the one behind it essentially takes it's place and the firepower doesn't diminish by much. Additionally, the snapped off arm acts as a form of cover and extra firepower with any cannons that remain on the arm. The one thing I did forget to add were fire extinguishers, which will be added in when I have time to alter the design to be more efficient and effective. For now though, I'd like to see how this one goes.

          • Edited

          Doesn't that make the design way more costly while not all weapons are able to fire?

          Don't get me wrong, theoretically it should work but I know this isn't as effective as it sounds.

          Edit: Also, welcome to the forum! If you need advice just ask, Oneye's guide is also quite useful: . )


            That's really cool looking, but it's going to be extremely vulnerable to rail-guns. You could also potentially see players targeting the connection points one after another to sever the arms prematurely. I know I would focus fire on the forward center reactors to try and blow them off quickly. To fix this, you could try placing command centers in the arms. This would allow the arms to continue to function optimally even after dismemberment.

              Lukz2cool i would see this ships as a potential large splitter ship, so the outside and inside's can split apart to where u got 3 to 4 seperate ships~ tho engine placement would be somewhat tricky i gues

              Lukz2cool Did not pass. You are new so I will give you some slack, This design looks somewhat like what I did when I started. Just so you know a multi-layered ship like what you submit will not pass, might work in vanilla BH but not Galaxy in Flames BH the mod these ships are being submitted for. So what you need all weapons to be able to shoot so design like a wall or a broadsider. BUT keeping with the ships shape you can also extend the front and side portions and remove the inner cannons. or even just put cannons on all side.

              Go to Oneye's ship guide and see what eles you can improve on.

              GiF Lite should be Updated and Upgraded by the end of this week or sometime next week so if you want a much more difficult BH experience I recommend you check it out. It will force you make you become a better ship builder as well!

              Oh and one thing I just remembered 90% of the high tier ships (11-13) are built larger than the normal build grid so you may want to enable the Huge Ships built-in mod to build bigger ships to remain competitive at super high price tiers.

              Honestly with this new update to the Galaxy in Flames ships not only will you think you can't build good ships you will also think you can't paint either. It's like double the flexing.

              The_Bloodnaught Don't worry. I have a ship in the making which costs a little bit less then 20 million. Only thing that needs to get done is the paint. Your ships will not be left alone. 🙂

                The_Bloodnaught Nearly all of them are yours lol

                  The_Bloodnaught I'll give you some company.

                  This is a stripped down version of my Mjolnir Class, which is waaaaay over the limit. This one though, this is right in that glorious final tier. I'll give it a snazzy paint job if it passes, cause otherwise its big brother is a lot more interesting. (It's got like twice as many weapons and more thrust.)

                  The Thunderlord Class Supercruiser

                    Northerner Thank you for all the advice Northerner. I'll be sure to consult Oneye's ship building guide more thoroughly in order to further improve upon the current design. The splitting functionality will be removed, and the ship will be altered to fit the GiF mod criteria.

                      Northerner will also think you can't paint either

                      Chuckles I'm in danger

                      Northerner I've had some spare time on my hands tonight, so I've taken in your advice for improvement upon the current design. Everything has pretty much been overhauled passed the guns, "interior" has a new design rather than the layered one previously. The rear boasts a shielded 'V' EMP missile system, and the thrusters have been re-fitted. If there are any more improvements past the guide and current advice that you can observe, I'd love to hear it. Anyways, the Bird of Prey Mk II:

                      Name: Bird of Prey Mk II
                      Tier: 10
                      Cost: $4,965,900

                      Lukz2cool Just loaded that ship ingame... Well, you've got a massive lack of thrusters for that mass. You should add way more engines.

                      Oneye The factory to cannon ratio for Large is 1:1

                      As the guide says, your modules will run out of ammo rather fast, as 2 large and 2 normal cannons are running on
                      only 2 ammo factories.

                      Oneye Keep in mind that reactor efficiency also relies heavily on how distant the things that have to be powered are

                      The upper pd will run out of energy pretty fast, the crew simply has to walk too far to keep it powered.

                      Also: Don't fill empty space with armor. Use structure or corridors if you really need a spacefiller. It's recommended to leave it empty, place engines, sensors, (crew,) or adjust the shape.

                      Edit: Just had a battle. Your 4.9 million ship ended up loosing almost all cannons and only won due to the electro missiles disabling (and destroying) the enemy 2.3 million railfan I posted in the building guide some days ago. The design is a nice idea, but it needs some improvements before having a chance to become a part of this mod. After all, even experienced guys like Oneye and Alpha struggle to get their ships into the mod.