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Warning64 In order from your fist submission to last. None of them passed.

Alpha Passed. I have been working tirelessly to build ships to stop this sort of thing from passing but at this price, unless I build all rail ships, nothing is going to beat the synergy of rails, missiles, and EMP missiles. Honestly the Flak didn't do all that much.

Oh I wish I had more AI friendly ships, most of mine are rail-gun broadsiders, which the AI doesn't understand at all.

Nevertheless, I have two boys you might like. I know, I know, the FTL is integrated into the design and I don't feel like taking it out.

The Mark I

Sorry, but the AI don't understand the Mark II, so... Mark III

I just wish some of my more interesting designs worked with the AI, but they're not meta so they require some expertise that the AI just don't have. Oh, and these two should be tier 9 if I remember correctly.

    Saesee_Tiin U know, u can also just use the handy Attach button thats on the bottom… yes it may not work at times.. but usually after 2 or 3 tries it works…

    The_Bloodnaught Aren't these for modded Bounty Hunter though? Unless they added something in the few months I've been gone... I don't remember there being a way to program the AI attack patterns.

      Saesee_Tiin that aint what i mean, i mean about submitting ships...

        The_Bloodnaught Oooooh, I misread what you wrote. It's been glitching out for me, not sure why.

          Saesee_Tiin As I said to Nicolbolas,

          use this

          EDIT: Broken.

          glitched out again

          it's been happening for, what, a month?

            Northerner The flak is mostly to reduce damage from lighter weapons, which it does quite well against more underarmed ships. I'm trying to build some non-meta ships, but it will take more time for them to finish.

              Warning64 Maybe u should play the mod itself on the tougher difficulties.. to get a feel how though some of the ships actually are to beat..

              Warning64 what The_Bloodnaught said. I should have GiF lite up sometime this week but if not this one definitely next week. Getting a ship into GiF is going to be much harder as the ships are far more competitive now so you will be able to see what you are up against then

              Warning64 I know a thing or two about dreadnaught building as well, I'm not as talented as @The_Bloodnaught but I should be able to tell you a couple useful tricks.

              1. Use modules! I see you having a walkway already across the ship, that is very inefficiënt. In a module crew will do what needs doing, and won't walk across the entire ship.

              2. Design modules before you start adding them to your ship. I see you are building a lot step by step, but it is much easier to design modules and paste them where they need to be. You can make many different modules for different purposes and places.

              3. Broadside railguns are not that good, if you use them brotect them at least well enough with multiple shield layers.

              4. Keep the paint simple, as it is difficult to make it look good and detailed at the same time on such a scale.

              5. If you care less about the paint, don't fill the ship with armor or corridors and just keep the space inside the ship empty for most part.

              That should do it for the basics of dreadnaught-building.


                You two are totally right, once you get the hang of it it is not that hard, but getting those first ships in is the real challenge. And even when you are better at designing still not all designs make it past testing.

                  Alpha agreed, even if you are good at building there is no guarantee a ship will get in. Oneye DMs me ships and there are ships he has sent me that don't pass. And those are ships coming from Oneye.

                  On top of that I tried to account for most of the cheese strats that being used so rail gun kites are not a insta get in like they used to be.

                  Northerner Yes, you should certainly keep the testing harder for kiting ships or other "cheese strats". That's why I didn't care too much if testing Predator would take longer, since it uses that OP missile-railgun combo.

                    So about that dreadnaught I am building.... ….Ummm ya @Northerner you are going to need to add more tiers. LoL. This thing is so big that I am not even close to being done and its over 17mil.

                    EDIT- 1- now over 22mil
                    2- now over 24mil
                    3- It is now done and its over 27mil

                    I am calling it Tartarus


                      Warning64 No because, unless something has changed, most people PCs are not powerful enough to load the ships in the tier 12 worlds let alone the tier 13 ones.

                      Northerner I know, it was more of a joke. The game is less laggy then it used to be though.
                      (EDIT) And yes not all people's PCs can handle the huge ship, but my laptop can. This thing is a beast. It can run a lot of games better than my friend's $1200 PC.

                        Hello, I am somewhat new to Cosmoteer and stumbled upon this thread. I'm fairly new to the ship building scene, and would love tips and advice on how to improve upon my ships, especially this first one. I thought it'd be fun to try and design a ship worthy of being added to the GiF mod, so I present my first ship submission to you:

                        Name: Bird of Prey
                        Tier: 10
                        Cost: $3,958,500
                        Ship: (Attachment wasn't working)

                        The idea with this one was to try something I haven't really seen an awful lot of, layering a design. The basic premise is when an arm is damaged enough to snap off, the one behind it essentially takes it's place and the firepower doesn't diminish by much. Additionally, the snapped off arm acts as a form of cover and extra firepower with any cannons that remain on the arm. The one thing I did forget to add were fire extinguishers, which will be added in when I have time to alter the design to be more efficient and effective. For now though, I'd like to see how this one goes.

                        • Edited

                        Doesn't that make the design way more costly while not all weapons are able to fire?

                        Don't get me wrong, theoretically it should work but I know this isn't as effective as it sounds.

                        Edit: Also, welcome to the forum! If you need advice just ask, Oneye's guide is also quite useful: . )