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Kroom how would i add support for my mod to use things like the targeting terminal?

You need to make your parts capable of receiving its buffs.

    Will the mod still be maintained/worked on with your new position as artist?

      BritishSpuds i'm not sure, i think that you need to create a copy of my buff in your own mod.

      Drakador_Chaos i will try to keep it updated, i have one part that i would like to add that i have it almost finished.

      Kroom Hey kroom, Was Making a Faction on the Forums, and I wanted to make sure It was alright If i used your Stuff in the Ship Designs.

        Brank It's alright to use modded parts for factions and ships.

          9 days later

          i know i'm late to the party, but dang. top notch mod

            8 days later

            Having a crash when attempting to hover and place torpedo launchers after placing a few and having HE missle crafters and storage for missles.

            Running ver 0.15.6a so not sure if that could be causing the problem.

            Part Kroom. TorpedoLauncher1_1x3 has no component HEMisslesToggle

            System.InvalidOperationException: Part Kroom.TorpedoLauncher1_1x3 has no component HEMissilesToggle

            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Logic.PartToggledComponentsRules.IsBlueprintToggleOn(PartRules partRules, Func`2 getToggleMode)

            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Blueprints.BlueprintPathfinder.<>cDisplayClass3_0.<GetPathToNearestAmmoSupplier>g_ValidateAmmoSupplierMode|1(PartInfo p, IEnumerable`1 components)

            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Blueprints.BlueprintPathfinder.<>cDisplayClass3_0.<GetPathToNearestAmmoSupplier>g_FilterAmmoAupplier|0(IntVector2D cell)

            at Halfling.Pathfinding.AStarPathfinder1.FindAllNodeDistancePairs(IEnumerable1 start, Predicate`1 filter, Int32 maxIterations)+MoveNext()

            at Cosmoteer.Ships.Blueprints.BlueprintPathfinder.GetPathToNearestAmmoSupplier(PartInfo part, ID1 ammoType, Func3 getToggleMode, ICollection`1 path)

            at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseBuildState.GetCrewPathInfo(Ship ship, PartInfo part, List1 paths, StringBuilder cursorText, Func3 getToggleMode, ShipUpdateInfo sui, Int32 indent)

            at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseAddPartsState.Refresh(Ship& ship, Boolean forceValidityRefresh, String& cursorText)

            at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseAddPartsState.DrawOverlayImpl()

            at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimOverlayRenderer.OnDrawOverlays(Object sender, DrawEventArgs e)

            at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneComponent.Halfling.Scene2D.IRenderableSceneObject.Draw(SceneViewport viewport, SceneCamera camera, SceneRoot root, RotRect viewRect)

            at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.DrawForBucket(SceneViewport viewport, SceneCamera camera, RotRect viewRect, Int32 bucket)

            at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.Draw(SceneViewport viewport, SceneCamera camera, RotRect viewRect, UInt32 renderMask)

            at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneViewport.Draw()

            at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.Draw(Boolean allowWorldInput, Single zoomScale)

            at Cosmoteer.Game.GameRoot.Draw(StateMethodInvoker drawParent)

            at Halfling.Application.AppStateEx.Halfling.Application.IAppState.Draw(StateMethodInvoker drawParent)

            at Halfling.Application.Director.CallDraw()

            at Halfling.Application.Director.DoDraw()

            at Halfling.Application.Director.GetRunIterator()+MoveNext()

            at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMainIterator()+MoveNext()

            at Halfling.Windows.D3D11.D3D11Window.RunGameLoop(String[] args, IEnumerable`1 iterator)

            at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMain(String[] args)

            at Cosmoteer.GameApp.Main(String[] args)

            IndecisiveZuri Have that too.

            Its not really that bad, but its something about the HE missile stuff

              IndecisiveZuri It happens when you try to hover a missile or torpedo module next to a missile storage, i reported it to Walt, it seems to be a game bug.

                Hey, the newest update broke the mod. Just letting you know. I can send a crash report in a little

                Mod is outdated as of today. Are you planning on updating Kroom's forge?

                Love the mod me and my buddy use it all the time in our ship battle!

                  I build most of my small ships with this mod. The only thing I can say is that it is AWESOME! Keep up the good work!

                    Kroom Decent! Thanks very much!

                      7 days later

                      Waiting for a non mediafire or adfly release

                      Enderjed mediafire is safe lol

                        Enderjed what is the problem with mediafire?

                          Enderjed I use ad blockers (ghostery and uBlock Origin) so i didn't know mediafire had them, what site do you recommend?