kola2134 sorry, i did not see it
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
Kroom how would i add support for my mod to use things like the targeting terminal?
You need to make your parts capable of receiving its buffs.
Will the mod still be maintained/worked on with your new position as artist?
BritishSpuds i'm not sure, i think that you need to create a copy of my buff in your own mod.
Drakador_Chaos i will try to keep it updated, i have one part that i would like to add that i have it almost finished.
i know i'm late to the party, but dang. top notch mod
- Edited
Having a crash when attempting to hover and place torpedo launchers after placing a few and having HE missle crafters and storage for missles.
Running ver 0.15.6a so not sure if that could be causing the problem.
Part Kroom. TorpedoLauncher1_1x3 has no component HEMisslesToggle
System.InvalidOperationException: Part Kroom.TorpedoLauncher1_1x3 has no component HEMissilesToggle
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Parts.Logic.PartToggledComponentsRules.IsBlueprintToggleOn(PartRules partRules, Func`2 getToggleMode)
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Blueprints.BlueprintPathfinder.<>cDisplayClass3_0.<GetPathToNearestAmmoSupplier>g_ValidateAmmoSupplierMode|1(PartInfo p, IEnumerable`1 components)
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Blueprints.BlueprintPathfinder.<>cDisplayClass3_0.<GetPathToNearestAmmoSupplier>g_FilterAmmoAupplier|0(IntVector2D cell)
at Halfling.Pathfinding.AStarPathfinder1.FindAllNodeDistancePairs(IEnumerable
1 start, Predicate`1 filter, Int32 maxIterations)+MoveNext()
at Cosmoteer.Ships.Blueprints.BlueprintPathfinder.GetPathToNearestAmmoSupplier(PartInfo part, ID1 ammoType, Func
3 getToggleMode, ICollection`1 path)
at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseBuildState.GetCrewPathInfo(Ship ship, PartInfo part, List1 paths, StringBuilder cursorText, Func
3 getToggleMode, ShipUpdateInfo sui, Int32 indent)
at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseAddPartsState.Refresh(Ship& ship, Boolean forceValidityRefresh, String& cursorText)
at Cosmoteer.Game.SelectionStates.BaseAddPartsState.DrawOverlayImpl()
at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimOverlayRenderer.OnDrawOverlays(Object sender, DrawEventArgs e)
at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneComponent.Halfling.Scene2D.IRenderableSceneObject.Draw(SceneViewport viewport, SceneCamera camera, SceneRoot root, RotRect viewRect)
at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.DrawForBucket(SceneViewport viewport, SceneCamera camera, RotRect viewRect, Int32 bucket)
at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneRoot.Draw(SceneViewport viewport, SceneCamera camera, RotRect viewRect, UInt32 renderMask)
at Halfling.Scene2D.SceneViewport.Draw()
at Cosmoteer.Simulation.SimRoot.Draw(Boolean allowWorldInput, Single zoomScale)
at Cosmoteer.Game.GameRoot.Draw(StateMethodInvoker drawParent)
at Halfling.Application.AppStateEx.Halfling.Application.IAppState.Draw(StateMethodInvoker drawParent)
at Halfling.Application.Director.CallDraw()
at Halfling.Application.Director.DoDraw()
at Halfling.Application.Director.GetRunIterator()+MoveNext()
at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMainIterator()+MoveNext()
at Halfling.Windows.D3D11.D3D11Window.RunGameLoop(String[] args, IEnumerable`1 iterator)
at Halfling.Application.Bases.GenericApp.ApplicationMain(String[] args)
at Cosmoteer.GameApp.Main(String[] args)
IndecisiveZuri Have that too.
Its not really that bad, but its something about the HE missile stuff
IndecisiveZuri It happens when you try to hover a missile or torpedo module next to a missile storage, i reported it to Walt, it seems to be a game bug.
Hey, the newest update broke the mod. Just letting you know. I can send a crash report in a little
Mod is outdated as of today. Are you planning on updating Kroom's forge?
Love the mod me and my buddy use it all the time in our ship battle!
meowenginer ImConfusedAF420 I will release an updated version of the mod when the stable version of cosmoteer is updated.
I build most of my small ships with this mod. The only thing I can say is that it is AWESOME! Keep up the good work!
Kroom Decent! Thanks very much!
Waiting for a non mediafire or adfly release