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My idea of fighters is that they can do a lot of damage but in a short range. The two roof weapons are supposed to be used against fighters instead of big ships, thats why the small range and I think that increasing the range will make them very op, the twin cannon for example is a very accurate weapon with AOE (like missiles), and can be placed behind armor. In my experiencie while playing the only thing that keep them not so op is the short range.

11 days later

not sure if this mod is active still but..

Really liking the mod, tho im not great at making small fighters, i do like making carriers with smaller ships inside them! so i was wondering, are bigger hangars planned maybe?

The_Bloodnaught the mod went up not long ago it is still active or just inactive because of modder irl problems


    Kroom i will make bigger landing pads or hangars

      Ah i see, well gues i gotta be patient then~

      The_Bloodnaught not sure if this mod is active still but..

      I'm working on it, but i'm a slow worker.

      You should add invisibility fields that mask the signature of your ship but are power hungry and unstable

      Also add bay doors

      4 days later

      Bug report:
      -When attempting to dock small craft to a carrier with landing pads, unless the small craft have been given a Halt order before the docking clamps are activated, the game suddenly drops to 1FPS and stays that way until the small craft are undocked.
      -Small craft docked to a carrier get flung everywhere in a random area around the carrier after a successful FTL jump in which the small craft were brought along.

        CaptainMacHaddish Neither of those are actual bugs. Second one is caused by the way ftl currently works and the first one is caused by the landing pads funktion. It's basically an impulse emitter with limited reach and the game really doesn't like what it does to affected ships.

        Kroom is aware of these problems btw:

        Kroom when i found a way to dock ships without so much lag.

          10 days later

          Minion222 the abh bay doors are too complex and laggy

            CursedPh4nt0m BTW I think that lafiel almost made An invisibility core

              OPbattlemaster it only worked on vanilla parts and parts made specifically to work with it.

                mod muito bom parabens 🙂

                aruanti Thanks, glad you like it 🙂

                Kroom voce pretende melhorar esse mod? tipo novas coisas

                  aruanti Yes, I'm doing that right now, but it takes time, i will try to release an update with the upcoming 0.14.5

                  Kroom apoio voce 🙂