i mean something like that could carry frigates and cruisers and would be helpful as the small hanger bay has a hard time carrying fighters and you cant fit corvettes or anything above so even if you were to double the size it could only carry corvettes
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh I think I'd just be easier to just put ftl on the ship at that point.
dafeeeeeeeeeesh i think you can attach one ship using several hanger bays,so technically its already possible for a super carrier
you can but its annoying to do and you still cant fit larger ships in
with a super carrier you can make an entire fleet without FTL drives and use them for free also FTLing frgites and cruisers for free is a lot of value (plus it looks cool to make a massive ship and dock a ton of ships in it)
dafeeeeeeeeeesh i will make bigger landing pads or hangars when i found a way to dock ships without so much lag.
Kroom Then how should we edit the memory decals are allowed to use?
Is that even possible?
RedAndCosmoteer You can't, but you can delete some decals to release memory.
Kroom Okay thanks for the help
When I dock ships, they still have their thrusters activated and fight back against the carrier. Is there a way to turn this off?
Soundbust11 turn on advanced ship controls, then you can click the button that looks like a stop sign.
Hi Kroom, amazing mod. I really liked the anti-spam you made with the 4x4 turrets but, overall, I feel your weapons too much underpowered compared to vanilla. I know this mod is aimed at small fighters, but the weapons range (all weapons) are WAY too short. I modded your mod in a way I can use it on all my ships design.
- 4x4 twin cannon: (not the flak) range 200 (like the vanilla large cannon). And increased the firing arc a bit to 220°
- laser, plasma, tachyon and blablabla: set the range to 150 (like the vanilla laser)
- torpedo: kept the speed but bumped the acceleration a lot, increased the range to 200 and gave it a TINY bit of guidance (10d, I think). The ammo cost and reload speed is already lethargic enough to keep it balanced.
thank you for your hard work and sorry for my English.
My idea of fighters is that they can do a lot of damage but in a short range. The two roof weapons are supposed to be used against fighters instead of big ships, thats why the small range and I think that increasing the range will make them very op, the twin cannon for example is a very accurate weapon with AOE (like missiles), and can be placed behind armor. In my experiencie while playing the only thing that keep them not so op is the short range.
not sure if this mod is active still but..
Really liking the mod, tho im not great at making small fighters, i do like making carriers with smaller ships inside them! so i was wondering, are bigger hangars planned maybe?
The_Bloodnaught the mod went up not long ago it is still active or just inactive because of modder irl problems