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solar-soup-bowl The ship library and Bounty Hunter mod has 7 ships form Battlestar Galactica,
I will think about doing a " small fighter ion beam laser", problably with a limited arc.

Kroom Yesssss

    Kroom I second a 1-width Ion Beam. Give it 50% the damage and have it use 60% of the power of the vanilla part and I think it would be balanced. This would make a terrific axial weapon for fighters.

    Any firing arc would be awesome, but if you add that, I would recommend lowering the part damage to roughly 30-40% of the vanilla Ion Beam to represent further reduction in beam-emitting hardware in favor of tracking hardware. This would allow for tracking by fighters on fly-by's and the construction of diagonal-axis fighter craft.

    Additionally, if you want to really impress people, throwing in a reduced-damage full size Ion Beam turret with a limited firing arc would be a game-changer. This part, assuming it can turn up to 45 degrees, would allow for diagonal beam frigates.

    Kroom not what i meant i mean it holds it its more for looks with the shipyard also maybe it could be somehow it makes repairs cheaper shrugs

      kola2134 Hola_Kola

        Brank hi

          • Edited

          this is so cool. alexa, play Africa by Toto

          well i guess this mod gets the right of say to be the first with a fully functioning hanger..... god damn

            although might i suggest that you have a few larger hangers cause my smallest fighters can barley fit

            Jared Big Bois

              that's an Idea perfect for a reaper
              speaking of which why is there no mass effect mod?

              Like changing mass? Abh has that kind of part.

                I want to add a few more armor parts so... what shapes would you like to have?

                  Kroom I say an Opposite Armor triangle, a Block with a Triangle cut out of the Top, and one that is Curved

                  Kroom ...It's... The Pixel Art... It's... Beautiful...

                  Sombreroman Thanks!, I'm glad you like it. 🙂

                  Really nice mod with love to the detail and I wouldn't have guessed that you could even get docking to work so well. Cool hack!

                  6 days later


                  deco mod has that, also Kroom is making it as far as i know


                    I just want continuous-beam fighters. I've started playing with various kinds of specialist fleets, and fighters that can move around while keeping the heat on a shield would be invaluable. (Right now I tend to work with whatever the longest-range weapons I can find on a ship that also doubles as WACS system for the fleet, using maximally buffed sensors to give us an idea what we're getting into. Then I have up-armored short-range ships with whatever can clear away parts the quickest. The combo is just sweet.)

                    sounds good
                    would like to hear more