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Damnit I still haven't tried it😭

    I just looked back on what the mod offered us and I noticed that one of your example fighters looked just like a viper from battlestar galactica.
    honestly that's pretty cool.
    but now for a question.
    when are you going to do a small fighter ion beam laser (or another type of one)?
    and if so will they fire in an arc?
    it would be cool to have some mini mass effect reapers floating around in space.

      solar-soup-bowl The ship library and Bounty Hunter mod has 7 ships form Battlestar Galactica,
      I will think about doing a " small fighter ion beam laser", problably with a limited arc.

      Kroom Yesssss

        Kroom I second a 1-width Ion Beam. Give it 50% the damage and have it use 60% of the power of the vanilla part and I think it would be balanced. This would make a terrific axial weapon for fighters.

        Any firing arc would be awesome, but if you add that, I would recommend lowering the part damage to roughly 30-40% of the vanilla Ion Beam to represent further reduction in beam-emitting hardware in favor of tracking hardware. This would allow for tracking by fighters on fly-by's and the construction of diagonal-axis fighter craft.

        Additionally, if you want to really impress people, throwing in a reduced-damage full size Ion Beam turret with a limited firing arc would be a game-changer. This part, assuming it can turn up to 45 degrees, would allow for diagonal beam frigates.

        Kroom not what i meant i mean it holds it its more for looks with the shipyard also maybe it could be somehow it makes repairs cheaper shrugs

          kola2134 Hola_Kola

            Brank hi

              • Edited

              this is so cool. alexa, play Africa by Toto

              well i guess this mod gets the right of say to be the first with a fully functioning hanger..... god damn

                although might i suggest that you have a few larger hangers cause my smallest fighters can barley fit

                Jared Big Bois

                  that's an Idea perfect for a reaper
                  speaking of which why is there no mass effect mod?

                  Like changing mass? Abh has that kind of part.

                    I want to add a few more armor parts so... what shapes would you like to have?

                      Kroom I say an Opposite Armor triangle, a Block with a Triangle cut out of the Top, and one that is Curved

                      Kroom ...It's... The Pixel Art... It's... Beautiful...

                      Sombreroman Thanks!, I'm glad you like it. 🙂

                      Really nice mod with love to the detail and I wouldn't have guessed that you could even get docking to work so well. Cool hack!

                      6 days later


                      deco mod has that, also Kroom is making it as far as i know