CaptainRedstone ok cool thanks, just wanted to make sure
ABANDONED MOD (no download links)
Almost forgot this page existed lmao
Ultranova Finally some bigger shields! It's gonna be a pain to try stuffing them somewhere in my finished designs...
Will there be more Pacisa federation ships intern next update?
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Tellitubbi no
There might be a Heavy Dread of a certain faction though ;)
let me guess a heavy r-upa dreadnought cause there is already a LIGHT r-upa dreadnought
hey ultrablast could it be a posibility if you create a rebel capitol ship seeing as the r-upa already has one
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knew it
btw ultrablast how did it happen that the r-upe have like 50 difrent ships and the rebels only 38 (if i rememberd correctly)
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- Tried one last time to remove Alophus (Seriously, just get out of here already!)
what does alophus mean?
Roasted Rp stuff. don't worry bout it
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soooooooooo ultrablast i have been working and i have made a desing for the rebel capitol ship (386x74) you can use if you want. i dont mind (as soon as the attach button works. it just keeps on saying oops something went wrong)
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oye ultrablast i have found 2 bugs:
- if you place hibrid corridors instead of reguler corridors that block something that your crew needs to get to (for example a shield generator) the game crashes because the A.I. sees it as armor and as a corridor ate same time and then it crashes
- if you place down a quarters it wil cost 6150 WITHOUT THE CREW OR DOORS
i had that hybrid corridor bug too, i made a giant transport with hybrid corridor for doors and it crashed.
i only know one way to fix it. pause the game spawn it in do not unpause until you have removed all hybrid corridors