hey ultrablast could it be a posibility if you create a rebel capitol ship seeing as the r-upa already has one
ABANDONED MOD (no download links)
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knew it
btw ultrablast how did it happen that the r-upe have like 50 difrent ships and the rebels only 38 (if i rememberd correctly)
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- Tried one last time to remove Alophus (Seriously, just get out of here already!)
what does alophus mean?
Roasted Rp stuff. don't worry bout it
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soooooooooo ultrablast i have been working and i have made a desing for the rebel capitol ship (386x74) you can use if you want. i dont mind (as soon as the attach button works. it just keeps on saying oops something went wrong)
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oye ultrablast i have found 2 bugs:
- if you place hibrid corridors instead of reguler corridors that block something that your crew needs to get to (for example a shield generator) the game crashes because the A.I. sees it as armor and as a corridor ate same time and then it crashes
- if you place down a quarters it wil cost 6150 WITHOUT THE CREW OR DOORS
i had that hybrid corridor bug too, i made a giant transport with hybrid corridor for doors and it crashed.
i only know one way to fix it. pause the game spawn it in do not unpause until you have removed all hybrid corridors
Alright, so here's the issue with Hybrid Corridors specifically. It's a game bug, not anything that I've done, alright. Since I'm using a component which blocks crew access on both sides of the armour triangle embedded in the hybrid, the crew want to go that place, but because they can't, the game doesn't know this is intentional and crashes. I've been meaning to talk to Walt about it for a while now, but due to the Hybrids being rather low down on my list, I haven't thought it necessary to do so.
And it's probably better to load the ship in BP mode instead of physically spawning it in, in the off chance you accidentally unpause.
and what about the high price on crew quarters
@Ultranova Does Galactic Civil War work with Automation++?
Anonymoose no, for balance and lore reasons, it does not.