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is it just me or does everyone here live near or in Amerika?
edit: because for me it says that almost everyone was last online more then 12 ours ago and i dont think that you people get up at two a clock in the morning to start chatting on the cosmoteer forum.

    Roasted reeeee I'm Irish
    Also please ask questions like these in the off topic

      chief_chaman478 ay well top of the morni-- evening to ya

        Roasted defo not stereotypical
        And the same to you.

          hey the new update came out for cosmoteer cant wait to see this be updated

            6 days later
            • Edited

            Ultranova this is cuz /\/\emories necroposted accidentally while taking care of a necroposter so he exiled him/herself

              Brank Check the date...

              Ultranova changed the title to Galactic Civil War 0.8.1 (Now with upgraded armour!) (Compatible with 0.15.0).


                The latest update of Kroom's forge is incompatible with GCW, but it is fixable. It will be fixed in the next update for GCW, but for now, if you wish to use KsF 1.0.6, then please download this file and follow these instructions.

                1. Open the folder where mods are located. This can either be found in {User}/Documents/My Games/Cosmoteer/Mods or can be accessed via the hamburger menu in the Cosmoteer mods menu.

                2. Find the GCW folder, which should be named ultrablast.gcw0.8.1 or similar depending on the version you have. Then, go into the GCW folder, then the Parts folder and find the part folder named ancient_minigun.

                3. Open a new window and find the place where you downloaded the file that you downloaded before.

                4. Copy this file into the ancient_minigun folder and replace the existing file with it. This should fix the issue, but please let me know if you are still experiencing issues.

                Ultranova So basically turning it off an on again?
                I interpreted it as that but ok

                JSpaceS Not really, I made some changes and released it as a hotfix (sorta).

                  @Walt Reckon it's time we move this thing over to it's own talk section. Or rather reckon it was time to move this thing 500 posts ago

                  IVIemories The thing is though, I don't want this mod to have its own section. I already gave my reasoning for my stance in the request thread, but I also don't think this mod deserves a section

                    Ultranova The thread is already getting to the point where we should probably be locking it due to excessive length. Eventually we will have to make a decision on whether or not you are allowed to make a new thread on list of mods or be forced into a mod talk section.

                    Destroying certain portions (exact portions unknown) of the R-UPA Heavy Dreadnought causes a crash by pathfinding failure. Log file:

                    While I've loaded other mods, the ship that causes the crash (R-UPA Heavy Dreadnought) uses parts from only vanilla and this mod. Another test, this time using only GCW and the Civilian Trade Station (also from GCW) as target practice, still crashes the game the same way at some point. Log:

                    IVIemories The reality is that this mod is drawing very close to being abandoned, as there are only two updates left to be completed before it is fully complete. As I have no interest in continuing to support this mod or allow someone to update it, starting a new thread or giving it a mod section so close to the abandonment of this mod seems unnecessary to me.

                    Designer225 I am already aware of this issue, but it is out of my power to be able to fix it.

                    Well, what happens after this mod, will you make another mod?

                      Tellitubbi definitely, I already have a plan drawn up and ready, as well as basic designs and some art (and no you can't see it yet)