jbox1 I use it.
jbox1 I use it.
Back when I was a noob... oh wait! Well anyway, back when I first started the game, I made this post:
jbox1 ... oh and perhaps add a drone core, which needs no crew at all. this could make an army of drones protecting ships a reality!
future me: As it turns out, you made a mod for that anyway, which everyone is using now! Pretty neat eh?
past me: what is a “mod”
future me: you’ll figure it out, lol
cool what about the coconut mod
Casual_Owl that was made after the suggestion of adding coconuts, do you know that story? Well, anyway a random person suggested they add coconuts, and I said:
uhh, hang on it’s somewhere in my litterally thousands of posts I have submitted...
Well, I said I would make a mod like that, ‘Cause I had just gotten into modding. Anyway, I put it together, submitted it and voila, my first mod!
wow thats cool um could you teach me how to mod cosmoteer
Casual_Owl hmm, what’s your time zone?
mountain time
Casual_Owl ehh, Ok, so that’s UT-7:00, and im in UT+10:00, so a 7 hour difference if my brain isn’t fatigued to much (I had math exams today). Well, I might be able to do a discord session on the weekend.
cool thanks
Casual_Owl what time would be appropriate too you?
I should be available between 4:00pm - 8:00am in your time. (That’s 9:00am - 10:00pm for me)
that time is actually great for me to get on discord
Casual_Owl unless I completely stuffed up my calculations and it is in face between 2:00am to 3:00pm
EDIT: Sorry, I checked and it’s 3:00pm to 4:00am for you, I checked on google! (Trusted source, lol)
ok still a great time im on discord at that time
jbox1 ohh sorry
It still needs some weapons so you can have battle drones and such you're probably planing this it'd be neat having realy small lasers that are like damaging PD working without crew but only with a drone core
Man, I LOVE this Mod! It allo
ws me to power the tankiest damn ships you ever saw. I can even have any weapon I want, I just isolate the crew and ammo supplies in their own compartment. Look at this bad boy!
Ce mod fonctionne avec quelle version ?