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jbox1 MAKE A STICK MOD!!!!!!

I like pancakes

jbox1 lol it said it could not install and then when i opened up the mod menu again it was installed. LOL.

  • [deleted]

It needs nuukesssa

helperbot_2000 you do realise this is a mod page, not a ship page?

try my doomsday mod

Doge420GoodGuy I like sticks

    • [deleted]

    jbox1 I use it.

    4 days later
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    Here is a small blast from the past!

    Back when I was a noob... oh wait! Well anyway, back when I first started the game, I made this post:

    jbox1 ... oh and perhaps add a drone core, which needs no crew at all. this could make an army of drones protecting ships a reality!

    future me: As it turns out, you made a mod for that anyway, which everyone is using now! Pretty neat eh?

    past me: what is a “mod”

    future me: you’ll figure it out, lol

    cool what about the coconut mod

      Casual_Owl that was made after the suggestion of adding coconuts, do you know that story? Well, anyway a random person suggested they add coconuts, and I said:

      uhh, hang on it’s somewhere in my litterally thousands of posts I have submitted...

      Well, I said I would make a mod like that, ‘Cause I had just gotten into modding. Anyway, I put it together, submitted it and voila, my first mod!

        wow thats cool um could you teach me how to mod cosmoteer

          Casual_Owl hmm, what’s your time zone?

            mountain time

              Casual_Owl ehh, Ok, so that’s UT-7:00, and im in UT+10:00, so a 7 hour difference if my brain isn’t fatigued to much (I had math exams today). Well, I might be able to do a discord session on the weekend.

              cool thanks

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              Casual_Owl what time would be appropriate too you?
              I should be available between 4:00pm - 8:00am in your time. (That’s 9:00am - 10:00pm for me)

                that time is actually great for me to get on discord

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                  Casual_Owl unless I completely stuffed up my calculations and it is in face between 2:00am to 3:00pm

                  EDIT: Sorry, I checked and it’s 3:00pm to 4:00am for you, I checked on google! (Trusted source, lol)

                    ok still a great time im on discord at that time