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imagine making a drone that has the ai module on it so its like a drone support class

    jbox1 every time i updated the mod you update it and i have to start my game which takes like 15 minutes then remove update the mod then restart the game and wait more time so thanks for wasting 30 minutes of my day(Jk lol i love the update!)(triggered)

    Jabenyezaa You should use first Cosmoteer (no mods) to update it, then activate all the mods you want

    5 days later

    Look i made all three phases of the rebel flagship from FTL. is`s as good as i can get it without it being to big!



    jbox1 wow it has become the best meme ever!!!

    jbox1 MAKE A STICK MOD!!!!!!

    I like pancakes

    jbox1 lol it said it could not install and then when i opened up the mod menu again it was installed. LOL.

    • [deleted]

    It needs nuukesssa

    helperbot_2000 you do realise this is a mod page, not a ship page?

    try my doomsday mod

    Doge420GoodGuy I like sticks

      • [deleted]

      jbox1 I use it.

      4 days later
      • Edited

      Here is a small blast from the past!

      Back when I was a noob... oh wait! Well anyway, back when I first started the game, I made this post:

      jbox1 ... oh and perhaps add a drone core, which needs no crew at all. this could make an army of drones protecting ships a reality!

      future me: As it turns out, you made a mod for that anyway, which everyone is using now! Pretty neat eh?

      past me: what is a “mod”

      future me: you’ll figure it out, lol

      cool what about the coconut mod

        Casual_Owl that was made after the suggestion of adding coconuts, do you know that story? Well, anyway a random person suggested they add coconuts, and I said:

        uhh, hang on it’s somewhere in my litterally thousands of posts I have submitted...

        Well, I said I would make a mod like that, ‘Cause I had just gotten into modding. Anyway, I put it together, submitted it and voila, my first mod!

          wow thats cool um could you teach me how to mod cosmoteer

            Casual_Owl hmm, what’s your time zone?

              mountain time