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Casual_Owl what time would be appropriate too you?
I should be available between 4:00pm - 8:00am in your time. (That’s 9:00am - 10:00pm for me)

    that time is actually great for me to get on discord

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      Casual_Owl unless I completely stuffed up my calculations and it is in face between 2:00am to 3:00pm

      EDIT: Sorry, I checked and it’s 3:00pm to 4:00am for you, I checked on google! (Trusted source, lol)

        ok still a great time im on discord at that time

          jbox1 ohh sorry 🙁

            12 days later

            It still needs some weapons so you can have battle drones and such you're probably planing this it'd be neat having realy small lasers that are like damaging PD working without crew but only with a drone core

            Minion222 That is comming in the next update shrug

              jbox1 cool

                Man, I LOVE this Mod! It allo
                ws me to power the tankiest damn ships you ever saw. I can even have any weapon I want, I just isolate the crew and ammo supplies in their own compartment. Look at this bad boy!

                Ce mod fonctionne avec quelle version ?

                MonsterChief 13.1

                  MonsterChief any version 12.0 and onwards

                    jbox1 Love it! 😃 cant wait for the new update so its compatible with 13.1 though.
                    You should make a missiles mod! not like missile launcher guns but actual missiles!! 😃 that would be amazing!!!!!! 🙂 and maybe even Shuttle Reactor thrusters and stuff like that!! Please think about PLEEEEEAAASE! :,( I cant WAIT!!! 😃

                    Gray Could you explain the missiles things?

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                      Jesus3747 The missiles being, you know, Missiles! Shuttle Reactors being (the things that Propel a Space Shuttle to space.) Missiles: Ballistic Missiles, rockets, like the ones on jets.
                      (These following things are maybes, JUST MABYES, and suggestions: Maybe, JUST MABYE, certain weaponry like NAVAL CANNONS, Mini Guns, Other powerful stuff. Maybe even some weapons from fallout 4!) other missiles like Artillery? Tank Turrets? Stuff like that I guess!

                      Gray Gray I am glad you like the mod. Development has been slow lately, but I will hopefully soon have more time to develop it during the school holidays, thanks!

                      jbox1 Awsome

                      it sometimes doesn't spool up the FTL drive so I had to install crew quarters on my ships and connect them to the ftl drive and a reactor... any idea how to fix that?

                        Ato it doesn’t spool up the FTL drive? Well, first off, did the drone core have a connection, and, was the drone core close enough

                          jbox1 they were right next to each other, so yes, it worked on another exact copy of the ship, which is the weird thing, they were identical except for one not spooling up the FTL drive

                          I got a question though, say, I got a shield generator, does it regenerate faster if I have more than 1 drone core in range?