System.Exception: Error loading mod: ABH Bounty Ships ---> Halfling.ObjectText.OTNavigateException: Unable to find node at path "&<Bounty Mode/bounty mode.txt>/ThreatLevels".
at Halfling.ObjectText.OTNode.FindAtPath(String path, Boolean dereferenceFinalNode) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\ObjectText\OTNode.cs:line 255
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModReplaceAction.ApplyAction(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModReplaceAction.cs:line 20
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 52
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 57
at Cosmoteer.Assets.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 303
at Cosmoteer.Assets.LoaderThread() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 271
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Logging successful initialized.
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Running as a 64-bit process.
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Local: en-US
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Language: en-US
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Cosmoteer version 0.13.1
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 10.0.16299
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (4 logical processors)
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | 6135.1 MB RAM
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 ( (11/13/2016)
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | 1024.0 MB VRAM
12/01/2017 18:51:03 |
12/01/2017 18:51:04 | Loaded app settings.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Mixpanel Distinct ID: 8bef8824-0836-4ef4-ab3c-cc6663aebeea
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Process is now DPI-aware.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Setup default cursor.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Using display adapter 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created DXGI factory.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Output #0: SyncMaster P2370HD(Digital) (1920x1080)
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Adapter #1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Updated Windows form configuration for borderless window.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created Windows form.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Direct3D Feature Level: Level_10_0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created Direct3D 11 Device.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created swap chain: 1920x1080.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created window.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created clock.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created graphics manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created XAudio2 device.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created audio manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created input manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created default font.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Initial app state is 'MainMenu'
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Initial application settings:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | LastGameVersion:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | InitState: MainMenu
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Language:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | LockCursor: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EdgePanMode: Analog
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EdgePanSpeed: 15
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | KeyboardPanSpeed: 15
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | KeyboardZoomSpeed: 10
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | KeyboardRotSpeed: 90°
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnableMouseWheelZoom: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | InvertMouseWheelZoom: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MouseWheelZoomSpeed: 1.12
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MouseWheelZoomAtCursor: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | StickyFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | HighDpiMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AnimateBackgrounds: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | FancyParticles: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AllowShipDeselection: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | CtrlSelectsParts: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferBlueprintMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BlueprintAutoPause: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoRotate: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoInteriors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintAutoFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintAutoRotate: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintAllowOverwrite: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintMirrorMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | RepairAutoFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | RepairAutoRotate: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAllowOverwrite: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoDoors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildEnforceCrewAccess: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildMirrorMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | GrabLeavesCorridors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | RepairAutoDoors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoHireCrew: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PartToolTips: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoSave: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoSavesToKeep: 10
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | QuickSavesToKeep: 10
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoSaveInterval: 600
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | FtlAutoSave: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShowOnShipIndicators: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoPauseOnLostFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ScreenShake: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | VersionCheckMode: Stable
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnableMetrics: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferBorderlessWindowToggle: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MasterVolume: 1
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EffectsVolume: 1
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | InterfaceVolume: 1
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShowTutorials: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoFtlJump: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintSchemes: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Cosmoteer.Ships.PaintScheme]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBuildTool: Grab
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultDecalTool: Grab
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DontReportErrorsForShips: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | TutorialPageStates: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Cosmoteer.Tutorials.TutorialPageState]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PlayerColor:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnemyColor:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | NeutralColor:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewInCombatMode: Auto
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewNotInCombatMode: Auto
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewLockRotation: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewSize:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShowInteriors: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AlwaysShowCommandWidgets: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferWorldRelativeAttackAngle: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferWorldRelativeFollowAngle: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShipLibraryLargeIcons: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AdHocFormations: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnabledMods: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DeleteFileOnStartup:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | FeedbackEmail:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultGameMode:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultCreativeModeMapSize: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBountyModeDifficulty: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBountyModeMapSize: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBountyModeStarterShip: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | WarnOutOfDateGpuDrivers: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultMPJoinHostname:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PlayerName:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MPColorMode: RandomPerPlayer
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoPortForwarding: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DisplayPublicIP: True
12/01/2017 18:51:06 | Starting main game loop...
12/01/2017 18:51:06 | Enabled mods:
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | free_ftl
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | huge_ships
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ABH_Bounties.Celestia
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Memory usage at time of crash: 268,283,904
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Application state stack at time of crash:
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Cosmoteer.Assets
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | FPS at time of crash: 30.29569
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Running processes at time of crash:
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ApplicationFrameHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | audiodg
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | bcastdvr
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | chrome
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | concentr
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | conhost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Cosmoteer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | csrss
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ctfmon
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | dasHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Discord
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | dllhost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | dwm
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | explorer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | fontdrvhost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | GoogleCrashHandler
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | GoogleCrashHandler64
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Idle
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | jucheck
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | jusched
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | lsass
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Memory Compression
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Microsoft.StickyNotes
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | MSASCuiL
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | MsMpEng
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | NisSrv
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | notepad
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | nvcontainer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | NVIDIA Web Helper
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | NvTelemetryContainer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | nvvsvc
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | nvxdsync
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | OneDrive
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Receiver
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | RuntimeBroker
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchFilterHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchIndexer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchProtocolHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchUI
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SecurityHealthService
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SelfServicePlugin
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | services
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SettingSyncHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ShellExperienceHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | sihost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SkypeHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | smartscreen
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | smss
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | spoolsv
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | svchost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | System
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | taskhostw
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | TeamViewer_Service
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | wfcrun32
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | wininit
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | winlogon
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | WinStore.App
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | WmiPrvSE
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | WUDFHost
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | System.Exception: Error loading mod: ABH Bounty Ships ---> Halfling.ObjectText.OTNavigateException: Unable to find node at path "&<Bounty Mode/bounty mode.txt>/ThreatLevels".
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Halfling.ObjectText.OTNode.FindAtPath(String path, Boolean dereferenceFinalNode) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\ObjectText\OTNode.cs:line 255
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModReplaceAction.ApplyAction(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModReplaceAction.cs:line 20
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 52
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 57
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Assets.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 303
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Assets.LoaderThread() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 271
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Actual data hash: ca62aebef4726f1b78c27c754b4db7d4
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Expected data hash: ca62aebef4726f1b78c27c754b4db7d4
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Director received exit call.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed default font.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed XA2AudioManager device.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed audio manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed clock.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed input manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed graphics manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed swap chain.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed Direct3D device.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed DXGI factory.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Closed Windows form.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Director received exit call.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed window.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed platform interface.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Closing log output file...
Im getting this error text when I enable the mod and reload Cosmoteer, can someone tell me why this is happening?