- Edited
stepanf444 Maybe you should try manually unzipping/extracting the mod file into the Mods folder
stepanf444 Maybe you should try manually unzipping/extracting the mod file into the Mods folder
while playing with the mod i have found some bugs that crashed the game
Was fixed by removing Longsword.ship.png from the mod.txt
Was fixed by changing "Barrage-class Corvette.ship.png" to "Barrage.ship.png" in the mod.txt as this was the only ship with barrage in its name and was not used otherwise.
crash log:
i could not fix this so far as i am very new to the game and modding in it and have to get familiar with it before i can decipher the more complex crash logs
i nerfed the photon torpedoes from abh as they feel to overpowerd in their current state, at the moment im at 50% but that was probably a bit to much, further testing and adjusting will be done as i progress to higher tier systems and get a better feel for how strong they should be compared to the other weapons/ships from this pack.
Some ships seem to self destruct as soon as i enter systems with them giving me credits that i don't deserve. Is there a way to see what those ships are so i could troubleshoot their self destruction?
6. 09/05/2017 16:38:39 | System.AggregateException: Mindestens ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Die Datei "C:\Games\Cosmoteer\Mods\ABH_Bounties.Celestia 0.1.0\Ships\Crescent Wrath-ABH.ship.png" konnte nicht gefunden werden.
Was fixed by changing "Crescent Wrath-ABH.ship.png" to "Crescent-I Fighter.ship.png",
also saw "Crescent Wrath-fat.ship.png" removed it as the ship could not be found in the ship files.
Thank you for making this awesome pack, it is a lot of fun and i hope i can help you with this bug report to make it even better.
You thought photon torpedoes were op?
Try the Mobile Mine Launcher. Cheap enough to equip to starter ships and only needs missile parts, can instantly destroy anything except quark armor (keyword : instantly destroy) and multiple of the largest and strongest shields which is pointless since the mine also damages shields directly.
cactusdoodad yea they will probably need a big nerf too, i just encountered that alpha strike ship that is basically just ~100 mobile mine launchers i tried spamming point defense but even wrapping half my ship in point defense was not nearly enough to counter that much spam, my next try will probably have a 2nd ship to draw its fire so the main ship dosn't get instantly obliterated if that taktic fails and i cant come up with a better one nerf incomming
Edit: for now i have nerfed the mines by reducing their acceleration from 12 to 3 but left their damage as impressive as before, thus they can be shot down by point defense systems but without them they can obliterate even big ships, further testing will need to be conducted to find a right balanced level.
Celestia thatks btw good mod i gonna try coplete the bounty hunter
cptnCAPSL0CK thanks for all the bug reports, that's actually incredibly helpful.
So, when i want to like, warp in a Ship of your Mod, it says "That ship design is illegal. Are you sure you wish to use it?"
After i click okay, i can use it normally but i cant like build with it. When im tryin to attach something on it, the Components of the ABH are just ligthing red up and that's it.
Okay, i just installed the "Huge Ships Mods" and it's fixed. lol.
I post this anyway. c:
Great Ships. :3
But my PC cant handle the Ships. Gege. :c
ABH Bounty Ships 0.2.0 is now compatible with Cosmoteer 0.12.12
It also adds some new features and ships!
(see main post for update summary)
I tried to download and install 0.2.0 with 0.5.0 abh and 0.12.12 cosmoteer and it didn't work, Anyone know why?
Error loading mod ABH_Bounties.Celestia 0.2.0 (2): System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\Users\richa\Documents\My Games\Cosmoteer\Mods\ABH_Bounties.Celestia 0.2.0 (2)\mod.txt'.
File name: 'C:\Users\richa\Documents\My Games\Cosmoteer\Mods\ABH_Bounties.Celestia 0.2.0 (2)\mod.txt'
at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path, Encoding encoding, Boolean detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.StreamReader..ctor(String path)
at Halfling.ObjectText.OTFile.Parse() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\ObjectText\OTFile.cs:line 293
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.TryLoadMod(String modFolder, Boolean isBuiltIn, ModInfo& modInfo, IList`1 errorList) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 106
I am getting this error when i try to use the "Install Mod" button. I tried to put the folder into the mod folder and it worked at first, it was listed and i turned it on but when i got into a game, the mod was not on
i am running verison 12.12
13.1 update?
cactusdoodad I used the mobile mine launchers and I got to Vanguard and destroyed the Cerberus before I got to Professional XDDDDD
System.Exception: Error loading mod: ABH Bounty Ships ---> Halfling.ObjectText.OTNavigateException: Unable to find node at path "&<Bounty Mode/bounty mode.txt>/ThreatLevels".
at Halfling.ObjectText.OTNode.FindAtPath(String path, Boolean dereferenceFinalNode) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\ObjectText\OTNode.cs:line 255
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModReplaceAction.ApplyAction(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModReplaceAction.cs:line 20
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 52
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 57
at Cosmoteer.Assets.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 303
at Cosmoteer.Assets.LoaderThread() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 271
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Logging successful initialized.
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | .NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.42000
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Running as a 64-bit process.
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Local: en-US
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Language: en-US
12/01/2017 18:51:02 | Cosmoteer version 0.13.1
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64-bit 10.0.16299
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (4 logical processors)
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | 6135.1 MB RAM
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 ( (11/13/2016)
12/01/2017 18:51:03 | 1024.0 MB VRAM
12/01/2017 18:51:03 |
12/01/2017 18:51:04 | Loaded app settings.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Mixpanel Distinct ID: 8bef8824-0836-4ef4-ab3c-cc6663aebeea
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Process is now DPI-aware.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Setup default cursor.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Using display adapter 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created DXGI factory.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Adapter #0: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Output #0: SyncMaster P2370HD(Digital) (1920x1080)
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Adapter #1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Updated Windows form configuration for borderless window.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created Windows form.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Direct3D Feature Level: Level_10_0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created Direct3D 11 Device.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created swap chain: 1920x1080.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created window.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created clock.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created graphics manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created XAudio2 device.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created audio manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created input manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Created default font.
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Initial app state is 'MainMenu'
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Initial application settings:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | LastGameVersion:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | InitState: MainMenu
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | Language:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | LockCursor: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EdgePanMode: Analog
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EdgePanSpeed: 15
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | KeyboardPanSpeed: 15
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | KeyboardZoomSpeed: 10
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | KeyboardRotSpeed: 90°
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnableMouseWheelZoom: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | InvertMouseWheelZoom: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MouseWheelZoomSpeed: 1.12
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MouseWheelZoomAtCursor: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | StickyFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | HighDpiMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AnimateBackgrounds: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | FancyParticles: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AllowShipDeselection: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | CtrlSelectsParts: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferBlueprintMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BlueprintAutoPause: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoRotate: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoInteriors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintAutoFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintAutoRotate: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintAllowOverwrite: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintMirrorMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | RepairAutoFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | RepairAutoRotate: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAllowOverwrite: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildAutoDoors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildEnforceCrewAccess: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | BuildMirrorMode: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | GrabLeavesCorridors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | RepairAutoDoors: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoHireCrew: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PartToolTips: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoSave: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoSavesToKeep: 10
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | QuickSavesToKeep: 10
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoSaveInterval: 600
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | FtlAutoSave: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShowOnShipIndicators: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoPauseOnLostFocus: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ScreenShake: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | VersionCheckMode: Stable
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnableMetrics: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferBorderlessWindowToggle: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MasterVolume: 1
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EffectsVolume: 1
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | InterfaceVolume: 1
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShowTutorials: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoFtlJump: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PaintSchemes: System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Cosmoteer.Ships.PaintScheme]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBuildTool: Grab
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultDecalTool: Grab
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DontReportErrorsForShips: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | TutorialPageStates: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Cosmoteer.Tutorials.TutorialPageState]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PlayerColor:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnemyColor:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | NeutralColor:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewInCombatMode: Auto
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewNotInCombatMode: Auto
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewLockRotation: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MiniviewSize:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShowInteriors: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AlwaysShowCommandWidgets: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferWorldRelativeAttackAngle: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PreferWorldRelativeFollowAngle: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | ShipLibraryLargeIcons: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AdHocFormations: False
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | EnabledMods: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.String]
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DeleteFileOnStartup:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | FeedbackEmail:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultGameMode:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultCreativeModeMapSize: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBountyModeDifficulty: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBountyModeMapSize: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultBountyModeStarterShip: 0
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | WarnOutOfDateGpuDrivers: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DefaultMPJoinHostname:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | PlayerName:
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | MPColorMode: RandomPerPlayer
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | AutoPortForwarding: True
12/01/2017 18:51:05 | DisplayPublicIP: True
12/01/2017 18:51:06 | Starting main game loop...
12/01/2017 18:51:06 | Enabled mods:
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | free_ftl
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | huge_ships
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ABH_Bounties.Celestia
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Memory usage at time of crash: 268,283,904
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Application state stack at time of crash:
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Cosmoteer.Assets
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | FPS at time of crash: 30.29569
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Running processes at time of crash:
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ApplicationFrameHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | audiodg
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | bcastdvr
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | chrome
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | concentr
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | conhost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Cosmoteer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | csrss
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ctfmon
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | dasHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Discord
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | dllhost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | dwm
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | explorer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | fontdrvhost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | GoogleCrashHandler
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | GoogleCrashHandler64
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Idle
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | jucheck
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | jusched
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | lsass
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Memory Compression
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Microsoft.StickyNotes
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | MSASCuiL
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | MsMpEng
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | NisSrv
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | notepad
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | nvcontainer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | NVIDIA Web Helper
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | NvTelemetryContainer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | nvvsvc
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | nvxdsync
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | OneDrive
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | Receiver
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | RuntimeBroker
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchFilterHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchIndexer
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchProtocolHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SearchUI
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SecurityHealthService
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SelfServicePlugin
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | services
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SettingSyncHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | ShellExperienceHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | sihost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | SkypeHost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | smartscreen
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | smss
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | spoolsv
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | svchost
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | System
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | taskhostw
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | TeamViewer_Service
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | wfcrun32
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | wininit
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | winlogon
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | WinStore.App
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | WmiPrvSE
12/01/2017 18:51:08 | WUDFHost
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | System.Exception: Error loading mod: ABH Bounty Ships ---> Halfling.ObjectText.OTNavigateException: Unable to find node at path "&<Bounty Mode/bounty mode.txt>/ThreatLevels".
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Halfling.ObjectText.OTNode.FindAtPath(String path, Boolean dereferenceFinalNode) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Halfling\HalflingCore\ObjectText\OTNode.cs:line 255
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModReplaceAction.ApplyAction(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModReplaceAction.cs:line 20
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 52
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Mods.ModInfo.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Mods\ModInfo.cs:line 57
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Assets.ApplyPreLoadMods(OTFile rulesFile) in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 303
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at Cosmoteer.Assets.LoaderThread() in C:\Users\Walt\Documents\Code\Cosmoteer\Source\Assets.cs:line 271
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
12/01/2017 18:51:09 | at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Actual data hash: ca62aebef4726f1b78c27c754b4db7d4
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Expected data hash: ca62aebef4726f1b78c27c754b4db7d4
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Director received exit call.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed default font.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed XA2AudioManager device.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed audio manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed clock.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed input manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed graphics manager.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed swap chain.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed Direct3D device.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed DXGI factory.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Closed Windows form.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Director received exit call.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed window.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Disposed platform interface.
12/01/2017 18:51:26 | Closing log output file...
Im getting this error text when I enable the mod and reload Cosmoteer, can someone tell me why this is happening?
i dont know if all the text was helpfull,
I've tried both installing the mod version 0.2.0 in the Cosmoteer menu, and manually placing it in the Documents/Mygames/Cosmoteer/mods folder.
I'm currently playing on version 0.12.12 and using ABH v.0.5, and each time I try to install your mod, it pops up an error log saying it can't find the file mod.tx. Any suggestions?