"My my, a humanoid who listens to logic... I can understand your reasoning, however scenarios similar to this one are not without precedent in my people's history. Many a time have ahem 'mislead' individuals weaved their way into positions of power, only to abuse it and commit horrendous atrocities. 'Hindsight is 20/20' they say, and always the questions asked are 'Why didn't they act sooner? Couldn't they see what was going to happen?'
Waiting and hoping that tragedies don't come solves nothing, it's always just a matter of time. We intend to spare the innocent billions of tomorrow by sacrificing the soldiers of today. It is a terrible decision to have to make, but one that must be made nonetheless.
As for the conflicts you speak of, we are prepared for that, and we will strike them down as well. Future conflicts are inevitable, as is human nature, the least we can do is make sure we fight for the right reasons."