//Transmission Start//
"Did you truly believe us idiotic enough to trust Thrawn? No, we have our own contingencies in that regard, the Empire is but a means to an end. However, trusting the Germans is an equal if not larger fallacy. Did you ever take time to look into their governing ethics? The fundamental ideologies that compose their society's foundations? Or most of all, why they almost all share the same phenotypes? I will spare you details, but their view for the universe doesn't exactly sound good to anyone non-"Arian", let alone non-human. You yourselves are not entirely human, so how long before they decide enough is enough, hm?
We simply cannot allow such an active threat to maintain a position of such power. Both they and the Empire have some rather... dated views, from another time. The solution? A blank slate. Shove the old under the rug to make room for the new.
Say what you will. "The Germans would never do such things!" "We shall stand united until the end!" "You're fools to think you could defeat them!" It's all irrelevant. Millions will die regardless of whether we fight here or not, either by our hands, yours or the Germans. I extend my offer again, you may leave and we shall never impose upon your borders. If and when the time comes, we may even assist you in resisting Thrawn's forces."
//Transmission End//