- Edited
Oneye Nevermind, the delay comes from crew not loading almost full missile tubes besides the launcher beeing ready....
Edit: Feel like adding some thoughts about weapon combinations:
Oneye Railguns are usually left alone but are sometimes found with missiles on large ships (3mill and over).
LCs usually are a nice addition, some designs using flak work good too.
Oneye EMP missiles can go good with HE missiles on missile barges, they can also be good with ion ships if you have enough of them
I personally feel like EMP-missiles have replaced EB on larger ships, as they are less likely to get shot down by flak, have higher range, deal AoE damage, are faster and usually hit their target. They work good with anything but lasers, EB and nukes(/mines)
You could also add a line on the ridiculous defensive bonus flak gives any kiter design.