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Oneye Nevermind, the delay comes from crew not loading almost full missile tubes besides the launcher beeing ready....

Edit: Feel like adding some thoughts about weapon combinations:

Oneye Railguns are usually left alone but are sometimes found with missiles on large ships (3mill and over).

LCs usually are a nice addition, some designs using flak work good too.

Oneye EMP missiles can go good with HE missiles on missile barges, they can also be good with ion ships if you have enough of them

I personally feel like EMP-missiles have replaced EB on larger ships, as they are less likely to get shot down by flak, have higher range, deal AoE damage, are faster and usually hit their target. They work good with anything but lasers, EB and nukes(/mines)

You could also add a line on the ridiculous defensive bonus flak gives any kiter design.

  • Edited

CursedPh4nt0m I'm stuck between trying to have weaknesses or using ships that are really hard to beat. I think the best option is to do what saris said on discord and have 2 ships to fight per card, and 1 ship to beat them both with, this will make it so they spend time building a good ship and not just a counter.
Also the challenge cards are supposed to get harder the farther down the guide they are.

Oneye Agreed, that wouldn't be too clever.
Commencing deletion of all evidence now.
Process finished.

Oneye Wow! I haven't looked at this guide in forever, and I'm really amazed at how it's expanded and all the work you did! This deserves to be in the game proper

Oneye Hey, Thanks for the tips! Also, I have a couple more (controversial) tips.

  1. Large ships (usually ones that require the huge ships mod) Have problems turning or stopping. To counter this, use a simple "engine wheel". An example would be this ship.*
    While it does have the Leverage thrusters, It also uses the "Engine wheel" For fast turns AND stops.

  2. Yes this ship uses Minelayers. To put it simply, old version crashed, this one didn't. Old one used HE Missiles.

  3. When making a ship out of your comfort range, take inspiration from Sci-Fi and Real-world Objects or creatures. Frankenstein them together and put your twist on it. The ship that uses the "Engine Wheel" above was made from, no joke, having two wheels and bucket being used by a bird. I used that to create this, and put my own spin on it.

    Updated some things in the weapon guide and ship types section that were out-of-date. Also added examples of each ship type. <-- most of my examples are old mp ships of mine so that is why a lot of them are painted similarly.

    Oneye It seems quite nice! I really appreciate the example ships, it's really nice to have an additional visual component on top of your descriptions!

    Oneye For the Mine Launcher, if you’re flanked by another ship, you can drop mines behind you. Hopefully, that will make it harder for your opponent to hit you from behind.

      Bruce0206 That is theoretically true, but seldom worth it. You might as well use the credits to purchase other weapons or defensive systems that are more versatile.

      Astrum I guess lasers on the back of the ship would also work... Another idea, maybe you can use a fast ship to lay mines in front of where the enemy ship is going.

        Bruce0206 Lasers on the back, flak, PD, cannons, normal missiles, shields... Almost anything would be better. Mines are under powered and hard to use. They also aren't a great damage source.

        Astrum Mines on front+tractor beams. Pull small ships in

          With the addition of the Ion Prism, Ion Beams can be more protected, like this:

            4 days later

            Ok, I've made some changes. First off, I have removed a lot of outdated peoples tips that I thought might confuse new players as they point out flaws in the guide that are no longer there, I have also added an aesthetic section so it doesn't tie in with the competitive suggestions. This also means that I removed some of your tips @BattleCruiserCommander but I guess I could split them into both of the sections.

            And lastly, I added a section in the weapon guide about flak cause idk how I forgot...

            Nitpick: I don't consider Flak excessively fragile. It has the same HP (21k) and frontal surface area (3) of the Large Cannon, or an effective ratio of 7000 hp/frontal tile, beating the Laser family and approaching vertically stacked armor.

            Of course, due to the volume/depth it's completely implausible to mount shields (and armor) behind it, as is the standard practice with cannons, but figure in its ability to shoot down incoming projectiles and they're reasonably survivable in sub 1.5m ship fights.

              13 days later

              I guess I need to play this game a lot to follow this entire guide.
              The new glory of Neo-Zeta awaits me!

                2 months later

                (sorry if this is considered necropost)


                What about broadsiders? Why are they not listen in the ship type list?

                  ComradeShiba This is a list of competitive ship types (although not that up to date), Broadsiders are an inherently flawed idea when it comes to MP, they die to 90+% of other ships their cost.


                    Because one half of the ship is half the cost, right?

                    And because to use the full cost you need to turn, and while turning you take damage, right?

                    4 days later

                    Oneye not sure if this counts as a necropost but I managed to use the rail gun to launch the ship from side to side may be useful for dodging shots?

                    Ps if this counts as a necropost just tell me and I’ll delete it

                    P.s.s I’ve also noticed a lack of stacking shields together in the guide I’ve found it very helpfull and can be used to beat ships over ten times it’s cost with layered shielding as I call it