Also added a part about thrusters in the design basics section, and 4 "challenge cards" with ships for players to test their skills against. I would love some feedback on the challenge cards though, are they too hard? too easy? what should I change about them if anything?
Cosmoteer Ultimate Ship Design and Part Guide!
Oneye might want an example of the more popular ships in the ship type section, if you do this i can contribute some ship files
kieffer5101 Yeah, I should probably have a triangle or diagonal of some kind in there, many of the other ship types require player control to be effective though.
Oneye i mean just as an general example
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not necessarily as a challenge
kieffer5101 Yeah, I think examples of each ship type would be nice.
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Oneye I'd like to see some (more) lines about door placement. I've had many new players in the Building Academy make absolutely unnecessary door placement mistakes (not connecting ammo factories to cannons/shields to reactors, ...), that could've been avoided by some guiding words.
Also feel like the ratios should be redone, the HE missile launcher/factory ratio seemingly dropped to 1:1 for constant fireing, LCs could need more than one factory by now, and some other stuff has changed too.
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CursedPh4nt0m The ratio for missiles has not changed, and 1 missile factory actually produces more than enough needed for 2 launchers. Cannon ratios are just what 90% of people use, as they are the most cost efficient, but yet they do not fire forever.
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Oneye Nevermind, the delay comes from crew not loading almost full missile tubes besides the launcher beeing ready....
Edit: Feel like adding some thoughts about weapon combinations:
Oneye Railguns are usually left alone but are sometimes found with missiles on large ships (3mill and over).
LCs usually are a nice addition, some designs using flak work good too.
Oneye EMP missiles can go good with HE missiles on missile barges, they can also be good with ion ships if you have enough of them
I personally feel like EMP-missiles have replaced EB on larger ships, as they are less likely to get shot down by flak, have higher range, deal AoE damage, are faster and usually hit their target. They work good with anything but lasers, EB and nukes(/mines)
You could also add a line on the ridiculous defensive bonus flak gives any kiter design.
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CursedPh4nt0m I'm stuck between trying to have weaknesses or using ships that are really hard to beat. I think the best option is to do what saris said on discord and have 2 ships to fight per card, and 1 ship to beat them both with, this will make it so they spend time building a good ship and not just a counter.
Also the challenge cards are supposed to get harder the farther down the guide they are.
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Oneye Agreed, that wouldn't be too clever.
Commencing deletion of all evidence now.
Process finished.
Oneye Hey, Thanks for the tips! Also, I have a couple more (controversial) tips.
Large ships (usually ones that require the huge ships mod) Have problems turning or stopping. To counter this, use a simple "engine wheel". An example would be this ship.*
While it does have the Leverage thrusters, It also uses the "Engine wheel" For fast turns AND stops.Yes this ship uses Minelayers. To put it simply, old version crashed, this one didn't. Old one used HE Missiles.
When making a ship out of your comfort range, take inspiration from Sci-Fi and Real-world Objects or creatures. Frankenstein them together and put your twist on it. The ship that uses the "Engine Wheel" above was made from, no joke, having two wheels and bucket being used by a bird. I used that to create this, and put my own spin on it.
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Updated some things in the weapon guide and ship types section that were out-of-date. Also added examples of each ship type. <-- most of my examples are old mp ships of mine so that is why a lot of them are painted similarly.
Oneye For the Mine Launcher, if you’re flanked by another ship, you can drop mines behind you. Hopefully, that will make it harder for your opponent to hit you from behind.
Astrum I guess lasers on the back of the ship would also work... Another idea, maybe you can use a fast ship to lay mines in front of where the enemy ship is going.