what do the test landing pads do?
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
I'm having trouble getting the repair drones to work. They are running a firing animation, but I don't see any projectiles and repair is not happening. I've tried them both internal and, even though they don't look like it should matter, externally mounted.
Also, are there any plans to update the bounty hunter mod with stuff other than the Kilrathi ships?
Guy_Person Exist. Well, and be landing pads, but that functionality is supposed to be unchanged. In contrast the original landing pads mostly don't exist. Apart from the one wall they're just a visual marker for the zone in which fighters can be repaired, reloaded, or jumped.
The positive is that you can build off of them, for instance creating a fly through hangar. The negatives are that you can't overlap them with the exclusion zones of other parts or click on things on them without also clicking them, which makes for terrible UX. They also can impact FTL efficiency if they're replacing old style pads near the edge of your FTL coverage.
Guy_Person Read de update notes please.
Atarlost I'm having trouble getting the repair drones to work. They are running a firing animation, but I don't see any projectiles and repair is not happening. I've tried them both internal and, even though they don't look like it should matter, externally mounted.
Can you send me a save with the repair drone problem?
Atarlost Also, are there any plans to update the bounty hunter mod with stuff other than the Kilrathi ships?
Yes, i want to update the bounty hunter for the commercial version of Cosmoteer.
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I like to balance the mods I use with the vanilla version, and I must say, this mod does it the best among the big mods out there. Warhammer mod also has cool stuff and visuals in there, but the power of everything there is over 9000.
Still, I now find myself nerfing half of the stuff from the Forge. Fighter weaponry and engines are simply OP. Like, price is usually not an issue, as most just play sandbox, and should not be the only limiting factor - size, weight and ammo consumption are other variables that should also play a role. Ideally, a weapon or part of a smaller scale should only be good enough for a small ship - try spam it or use on a bigger vessel, and a bigger weapon usually has to be better. Also, higher tier weaponry of the same size (i.e. plasma and such) actually makes the lower tier obsolete and unnecessary. What's the point of having those other than just more stuff? I bet there's quite a number of weapons that no one ever uses simply because there's a better alternative in this same mod.
Anyhow - this is not to criticize, but rather to suggest some balancing. I can try and help with that if interested.
Raufbold I think that price is the major balancing point.
Sure, playing in sandbox gives you unlimited funds, but if you are designing ships for other modes (MP or BH), then you will need to impart some level of budget. This is the main challenge of building IMO, even in sandbox, as trying to design a ship with the highest effectiveness and lowest price is a good goal.
If you impart no budget limit, even vanilla can become "OP" as nothing prevents you from simply spamming as many parts as you please.
Worth noting that there are differences between the different fighter weapons. The better ones have more damage, but often different projectile speeds, shield vs. armor damage, cost, and power use per shot (basically ammo).
Astrum well, I'm just saying that price shouldn't really be the ONLY factor. Look at reactors for example:
Standard reactor: produces 0.375 power/ton/cubic metre
Medium reactor: 0.5 power
Large reactor: 0.84 power
reactor 1x1 (Forge): 1.52 power/ton or 0,38/cu.m
Even without prices, you can see the logic with the vanilla ones: if your ship is large enough to house a bigger reactor, and you're ok with putting more eggs in one basket/provide more defense/allow for optimal distance, you'll be way better off with a larger one, so no need to spam standards. With the 1x1 here though, I would pretty much always prefer spamming it to almost any other alternative. Not only it is simply better in all aspects than the standard reactor - I would almost surely prefer it to the bigger ones as well since its 1/4 of weight per energy generation would allow me to save weight elsewhere and either have my ship be faster or place fewer engines. Same goes for many other parts.
Kroom Nevermind, it must have been a one time error. But I will let you know if it comes up again.
Raufbold Money is not the only factor i take into account when i do the balancing of parts. I agree that some parts are very powerful in the mod, i would like your feedback about balance changes.
The small fighter guns are there to make possible very cheap, expendable and spammable ships (ships that dont use shields, very little armor and small engines for example)
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i find it humorous that this mod is "used mainly to make small ships." and yet theres parts for far bigger ships than a "small ship"
love the mod though, likely will always be a part of my library
edit: also i was wondering if i needed to download the mod again for the newest update of cosmoteer
Raider you never seen a dinghy with a cannon firing projectiles as big as the crew?
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GenericUser984 you have a fair point
edit: but i mostly was meaning the giant engine
Kroom Thanks for replying, Kroom. I'm actually doing some rework on your mod to suit it to my personal liking, but as I mentioned, this is the most balanced mod so far among the big ones.
What I am trying to do is to draw some sort of a line between small ship weapons and big ship weapons - in a way that a small ship weapon would be a really good choice for a fighter, but for a bigger ship spamming it would make little sense as opposed to just a bigger weapon.
Take Laser Blaster vs Heavy Laser for example - Heavy costs and weighs 3x the Blaster, but three Blasters are the same in terms of DPS, have higher speed and use less ammo. BUT you get the surface space as well as crew savings with the Heavy one. So when you have a smalle ship, only 6 blasters as main weapon will make more sense, but on a huge salvo vessel, 10 Heavies vs 30 Blasters will actually be more useful, as they allow to fit more DPS into the same surface space.
I'm trying to achieve the same with your mod - particularly with fighter-related stuff, but currently in doubt as to which way to balance the weapons - either reduce DPS or reduce range. I also find light weight to be a bit unbalancing as well.
Will message back when I have figured this out.
is there a maximum amount of ships you can dock?
Raufbold What I am trying to do is to draw some sort of a line between small ship weapons and big ship weapons - in a way that a small ship weapon would be a really good choice for a fighter, but for a bigger ship spamming it would make little sense as opposed to just a bigger weapon.
I tried to achieve that by using mainly the firing arc and range of the fighter weapons as i think those two factors a very important for big ships. Also i want fighters to depend on speed and maneuverability as its main defense, sadly there is no AI that support evasive maneuvers right now.
neoshaf is there a maximum amount of ships you can dock?
You can properly dock one per landing pad.