Bevan its not meant to move or be extremely powerful; just a place for my fighters to repair and to load. so lots of armour is fine up
Kroom's Forge (0.15.11+)
chief_chaman478 if its rp i suggest to make the inside decorative, if its competetive i suggest you to not fill the inside with armor.
Bevan i really amnt going for either but i suppose more or less rp but i should paint it then
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Updated. Added two modular weapons for small fighters and corvette size ships.
Version 1.0.4 for Cosmoteer 0.14.8 (Mediafire)
A couple of ships i made with this weapons.
kola2134 It's a known problem. If you have mods that add other decals, say, Star Wars: ACD or UltraBlast's GCW, you're eventually going to have so many decals that it will crash the game. This is what usually happens.
...I just deleted all other decals aside from Kroom's.
hey can you add a 1by1 ammo store for fighters just so they can get a few more shots off with the mini railgun.
chief_chaman478 The fusion cannon is designed to have sustained fire with four booster maximum, more than that and the energy transfer system will not be able to maintain it for a long time, no matter how many reactors or crews you have in the ship. The Mass Drive is designed to have sustainded fire with ten accelerators maximun.
A 1x1 ammo store would be good for tiny mass-driver fighters that are meant to dock. However, I'm not sure that it's worth putting the mass driver on a small fighter like that. Without 4+ accelerators, the mass driver is fairly short range, and it's probably better to go with a fusion cannon.
For me, the real question is whether it's better to put together a fusion canon or just use the plasma lancer. The RoF on the fusion cannon is higher, and the energy use is lower. A cannon that takes up the same 4 tiles as a lancer will do the same damage three times as often, energy permitting, has the same range, and costs only $4K more. The only place where the lancer is the hands-down winner is in projectile speed. The lancer's beam will move at 600m/sec compared to the cannon's 90m/sec. That high speed is a lot better for dealing with ships at speed, but the lack of barrel travel makes the lancer a tough sell.
Thank you, Kroom, for continuing to expand this really awesome mod.
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Just wanted to show off a nice fighter design using the new fusion cannons. The cockpit and main weapons are actually pointed away from the direction of travel, which permits an unusual strategy.
The idea is that the standard attack position for the craft is to face away from the target, aiming the majority of the ship's thrusters at the enemy and making it easier for this relatively underpowered craft to stay out of the reach of opponents. This means that it can kite larger and more powerful craft that it would normally be able to face down. Player only, of course, I can't imagine an AI figuring out how to bring the weapons to bear.
It's a fun early craft, and is cheap enough that you can have a specialized main craft and devote a small fleet of these ships for directed shield-breaking. In terms of expansion, the biggest change would be to add a booster to each of the fusion cannons. This ups the damage significantly for only a small decrease in firing rate.
Note: I am running Krooms, Galactic Civil War, and ABH. I may have missed a part from one of the other two mods. It's not always easy to tell which mod a particular part comes from. Sorry about that.
Mycroftxxx Nice ship!!, i made a few changes in the internal distribution to make it cheaper, faster, and with more fire power.
roblexboi It already IS compatible with 14.9.