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I was just thinking for even smaller ships, there could be an one-block attachment, with the missile "outside" of the ship, attached to the underwing pylon, like these real-life fighters:




the_guy545 Heat seeking missiles on steroids.

the_guy545 Its an interesting idea, i will try and see how it looks.

I aint 'fraid of no Ghost

    @Kroom when will the larger hanger be complete? also, could you make a repair beam?

      Zachary Be a Patient, mods take a lot of time, get in ur thick skul, Mods don't make emselves, and they take a while to make

      gives you hell for not releasing an update within 1 seconds

      Seems like only other modders understand

      jbox1 Awesome Video Man!

      jbox1 HAIL!

      jbox1 I might do some faction-related videos at some point though, so you never know

        Question, is there really no way to replenish the ammunition on the Torpedo/Medium Missles without using a (15,000)Missile Factory? Also if it isn't the case that I didn't notice it, can you think about implementing a smaller version of the missle factory at about 5,000-7,500 cost that builds slower and can only store one missle at a time just to make the fighters just a little self sufficient?

        Crimson_Reaper To reload and repair ships use the Landing pad, it also gives ftl capability to ships that are docked.

        if you have a small enough of a misses factory for fighters it kinda takes away the whole point of having the landing pads

          • Edited

          Kroom i have experience that the flak turret blast create lags, any way to fix or reduce the lag, or is it a consequence of using the flak turret?

            Bevan it's the way flak bullets work right now, i didn't want to use the normal area damage because it pass trough shields and i didn't want that, so i had to create 30 hidden bullets when it explodes to simulate an area effect that don't pass trough shields. If in the future Walt adds a way for shields to block area damage, i will change it to that.

              So if it goes for the roof turrets, kinda wish they weren't pre colored, i know that if you would make them like your older roof turrets the decals wouldn't move, but that would be in my oppinion better than the stock colors, they're really hard to implement into any ships that doesn't use the colors of the turrets. I would suggest a extra download for colorable turrets maybe. Think of it as an addon/file replacement, just so we have some better color functions.

              -Sincerely Minion.

                Minion222 The problem that I see with the colored turrets is that it's difficult to differentiate them from rest the roof.

                Maybe do them in light or dark grey?.



                Kroom Generally somekind of indifferent colour, maybe that orange stripe could be roof colored, if possible, that could maybe even look good and the rest could jsut be gray, the lighter gray is better in my oppinion.

                Minion222 ^

                  So, I´ve been around for over year now, but this is the first time I enjoy building tiny ships.