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Roasted CursedPh4nt0m GCW, Diffusion shields, Cosmofine, I think Decomod, and a couple newer mods also are under full support

    CaptainRedstone I was talking about those listed in the text:

    IVIemories ABH by @Lafiel: Major weapons and part mod. Arguably the biggest and certainly the oldest mod for Cosmoteer that is still being developed; ABH focuses primarily on end game content and contains hundreds of new parts and weapons spread across several tech levels. Introduces various new mechanics into the game as well as various cosmetic parts.
    Latest compatible version: Cosmoteer 14.11

    AWV and Stargate by @Akinata: Mod that primarily focuses on weaponry, including some innovative ones such as suicide bombs.
    Latest compatible version: Cosmoteer 14.4

    Blood Cult by @ZergRush99 and @Drakador_Chaos: Mod that revolves around the Blood Cult faction and their living ships. Has a very unique aesthetic.
    Latest compatible version: Cosmoteer 14.6

    Bubbet's Placeholder mod by @Bubbet: A utility focused mod that primarily adds new and interesting mechanics into the game, including energy wires, teletubes and regenerative armour.
    Latest compatible version: Cosmoteer 14.3

    Drones ++ by @Jbox1: Drone mod. Currently in the process of being re-written into Automation++
    Latest compatible version: N/A

    Star wars: Cosmos divided created by @Classicjam and maintained by the SW-ACD team: Star wars focused mod with lots of Star wars weapons and ships to fight against in bounty hunter. Includes roof turrets, thrusters, astromechs and other Star wars related parts. (May cause error messages in latest version)
    Latest compatible version: Cosmoteer 14.11

    Also was pretty sure Decomod had been abandoned, must be I've gotten something wrong then.

    been a bit busy recently, will make a large scale update soon


        it is nice and good that you guys are giving links to those mods but all of them are still for 0.14.11 or lower and seeing as we just got in to 0.14.14 how are able to use those mods?

        Cosmofine is fully compatible with 0.14.14, and Diffusion shields works in 0.14.14 with the listed patch

          IVIemories i've looked thru the mods and found out what mods are still being worked on and what aren't

          • abh is still onder full support and availible for 0.14.14
          • awv and stargate haven't been worked on for a long time most likely abandond
          • blood cult also hasn't been worked on for a long time but it is compatible with 0.14.14 if you go to mod.txt file and replace modes/singeplayer/bounty with modes/bounty
          • bubbet's placeholder has not been worked on for a long time and i am unsure if bubbet abandond it
          • drones++ N/A
          • S.W A.C.D. is being worked on but classicjam is having a bit of trouble with imballances, bugs and other issues so the updates are going slow

            Roasted drones++ N/A

            Drones++ was turned into Automation++ ages ago and there is a port available (provided by @Catelyn) that works with the latest version of Cosmoteer.

              Ultranova jbox said himself that he hadn't worked on it for a while because he was working on another mod automation++

                Roasted Automation++ is a rewrite of Drones++ lmao. But they both work differently, which is why Auto++ isn't a version of Drones++. Drones was abandoned because it was turned into a new mod

                  Ultranova well in that case IVIemories should edit that


                    There we go, fixed things up a little and removed all the (now abandoned) major mods

                    IVIemories Thanks! The link for Diffusion Shields is one post behind, but the older posts have links to the new version, so no worries

                      a month later

                      DeathVolt's Asteroid Mining is now compatible with 0.15.0.

                        12 days later