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RedAndCosmoteer What in the damn wiggly universe das upside down fokin around is dat?

What happens if i update a mod that got updated?

    New version of the upgrader that fixes a couple bugs.

    This is the link:

    The latest upgrader should now work with your mod.

    the mod upgrader crashed while upgrading my meme mod plz help
    here is the link to the mod if you need it

    The upgrader seemed to run fine with your mod, though I noticed it already ends with _upgraded? Did you upload the mod after it was upgraded? In order to fix your issue (if it isn't already fixed in the new upgrader), I need a copy of your mod before you tried to upgrade it.

    i attempted to use the mod upgrader on cosmoteer plus (used the NO MOD LEFT BEHIND upgrader on it before this time),

    Did the 0.14.0 upgrader actually work for you? It's crashing for me when trying to upgrade Cosmoteer Plus.

    the mod upgrader did not upgrade any emitter. some weapons form my mod works fine with the old emitter tho with a broken fire delay, and other one jut crash the game.

    (for exemple my jumper drone launcher works even without any changes to the emitter tho with a sound problem tied to the fire delay and my drone launcher mk2 crash the game upon construction. both have very similar code a they are basically the same weapons with different size.)

    Walt that upgraded is from the last mod upgrader but whatever the problem was it is fixed but my mod can no longer use the default name and description of the laser... now i cant be lazy and now i got to do the strings file... im to lazy other than that it all works thanks for fixing the upgrader and doing your best to help the modding community we need more developers like you... sorry got a little mushy there XD

      Walt What exactly are the differences to v1? I've already committed too many changes to restart.
      What I need now would be a tool for batch file content comparison and tell me which ones are different. I know I could use FC but I got more than 800 txt files. 😢

      Lafiel There are only a couple differences. One is a crash fix, which if the upgrader isn't crashing for you, you're fine. The only other change is that RC2 removed the bullet_penetrate_railgun.txt file which was added back in RC3.

      Check out WinMerge, it can do whole folder comparisons.

        Walt oh so it was never intended to change the emitter. so i need to modify all the guns emitter myself... ok.

          Lafiel what did the upgrader changed for you?

          akinata It only adapted the emitters to the new format and broke all weapons by replacing weapon with the emitter as toggle which they aren't.

            akinata Can you link me the exact version of your mod whose emitters aren't getting upgraded? They should definitely be upgraded, that's like, 80% of the purpose of the upgrader.

            Lafiel It only adapted the emitters to the new format and broke all weapons by replacing weapon with the emitter as toggle which they aren't.

            The only time a weapon ever worked as a toggle was if it was a beam weapon. Beam emitters still work as toggles.

            Yes, Walt, the 0.14.0 upgrader worked for cosmoteer+ on my computer.
            But the 0.14.2 upgrader did not.

            • Walt replied to this.

              Well so I just did my first attempt on upgrading the Bloodcultmod, in theory it works, getting no crashes when starting up, however:
              -Blood Cult Bounty Hunter seems to be broken now, all other ships are gone (explode or something similar as I get the credits regardless) the moment I jump into an area.
              -Hunter/Primal Hunter do not penetrate shields anymore as they did before.
              -If I target a part, with the Primal Hunter selected, only the left barrel fires at the part, instead of all three.
              Here´s the version upgraded with the mod upgrader:
              Thank you in advance, even if I manage to fix the stuff myself in the Bloodcultmod, it´ll still help others if these things in the upgrader get fixed.
              Oh and thank you for the mod-upgraders in general as they provide quite some help.

              Drakador_Chaos Can you post a link to the non-upgraded version of Bloodcult, just to make sure I test exactly the right one?

              The bounty hunter ships being immediately destroyed and the weapons not penetrating shields should I think be easy fixes. I'll try to do those in the next day or two.

              The multi-barreled weapon not working properly is probably something better left to be fixed by hand.


              Yes, Walt, the 0.14.0 upgrader worked for cosmoteer+ on my computer.
              But the 0.14.2 upgrader did not.

                akinata Can you please elaborate on what exactly isn't working? The game loads fine, and I tried a few weapons and nothing seems obviously broken

                RedAndCosmoteer Yes, Walt, the 0.14.0 upgrader worked for cosmoteer+ on my computer.
                But the 0.14.2 upgrader did not.

                Can you please elaborate on what exactly isn't working, as well as provide a downlink link to make sure I'm testing the exact correct version? Also, in case you don't know, the 0.14.2 upgrader is only for mods that have already been upgraded to 0.14.0/0.14.1, so you'll have to run the 0.14.0 upgrader first.

                Drakador_Chaos -Hunter/Primal Hunter do not penetrate shields anymore as they did before.

                Okay, so this is because the whole concept of parts penetrating shields has been reworked to just treat shields like any regular part with a penetration resistance that subtracts from the shot's penetration. There's not currently a way to have a shot penetrate a (vanilla) shield without increasing its penetration amount to at least 25. There's currently no way to give a shot a penetration strength of 6 and still have it pass through shields, though I can add that for 0.14.4.