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Found a bug. Game crahes after the jump with some weird error message:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: The high parameter must be greater than or equal to the low parameter.

Here's a save file

    @Ultranova Mezmerro
    Sounds like a lack of a ship in a certain price range, but that would have been discovered ages ago...

    Happens on tier 3 and higher. Probably have something to do with the inclusion of ship squadrons int the update, because i only saw single ships in unbugged systems.

    It's getting ridiculous. Four bugged tier four planets in a row. Unironically literally unplayable

      Mezmerro Probably have something to do with the inclusion of ship squadrons int the update

      Ah, no it's not. I was messing around with the values for the Campaign to evenly spread ships around instead of shoving most of the higher up ones into the highest up sectors, but I'm pretty darn sure that I triple-checked, if not quadruple-checked the tiers.

      Also, it would be nice to have a log and the save file, because otherwise I'm going in rather blindly.

      so i was building a ship and i decided to test something and i dunno if this is already known but 1. the beam cannon only needs one black space for its beam 2. you only need two phantom reactors and around 30 crew to perma shoot its stable beam. heres a module


      chief_chaman478 it can almost perma shoot on the burst mode

        this can perma shoot the burst with only one extra phantom reactor

        chief_chaman478 1. the beam cannon only needs one black space for its beam

        Known, but I can't fix it. It's not possible to fix.

        chief_chaman478 2. you only need two phantom reactors and around 30 crew to perma shoot its stable beam.

        It's going to become a lot harder to have beam cannons on your ships in a few updates to come.


        Ultranova It's going to become a lot harder to have beam cannons on your ships in a few updates to come.

        suppose perma burst is op

        Ultranova Known, but I can't fix it. It's not possible to fix.

        i know nothing bout the code but i would have thought its possible to make the beam like a half block wider on both sides but oh well

        Ultranova pls no... also has no-one abused this yet or did ppl instantly figure it out

          Ultranova oh well they know about it now 🙂

            Been using tripple beam with 1-spot hole on my ship for a while, and never considered it a bug.

            Mezmerro Been using tripple beam with 1-spot hole on my ship for a while, and never considered it a bug.

            It's not a bug, more of a limitation of the beam code, but at least it needs a gap to fire (unlike roof beam turrets)

            Mezmerro Nice ship though. Would it be alright if I put it into the Hall of Fame folder?

            (I kinda need the name for it to put it in there)

            I'm still working out a few kinks with this ship (it needs more rocketspam to distract enemy point defense from EMP missiles), and is not yet satisfied with paintjob. I'd post a finished version here in a day or two.

            chief_chaman478 oh yes one of your reinforced 3by1 armor parts has a glitch where they dont work on mirror mode (as shown above)

              R-UPA heavy destroyer "Nightingale" reporting for duty.