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weez...wehz gaht........emoh-enoaf......liquor. Plz blacksout



Walks through corridors: Sigh. These people are too drunk to their own job
Walks to pantry while everyone is asleep or blacked out (mostly the latter)
Picks up all the alcohol
Throws it out of the ship
Its for the common good I say! Immediately prepares for a full-scale retaliation

what have you done! alcohol is the only reason these idiotic savages highly valued employees still worked here!

also i updated the pantry again since you threw away most of the alcohol.

hehe hehe what makes you say that?

takes alcohol out from desk.
hides alcohol in filing cabinet.

    The interview?

      The interview

        oh yeah that...
        um, question 2, what is your stance on the radiation happening in the UG space?

        no, and im doing one now so sorry.

          Yes I heard about that. We too are trying to find a solution to the problem, and an alliance with the UG. They seem to be handling it well, although they need a lot of iron, which we are stacking

            last question since it is the 6:10 am here...
            what is your groups long term objective?

              Well, we are a faction devoted to science and technology. Already the company has invented the brand new warp drive, and improved the design of the electro-bomb by @jbox1 . We are currently building warp routes base in the Adonian sub-empire, a section of the company.
              BUY OUR PRODUCTS! (or you will be disintegrated in one of 101 ways)

              thank you, that will be all.

                Near one of your stations, the scanners pick up a weird distortion. A spacecraft decloaks and quickly cloaks again. But it seems to have run out of power. It decloaks again and this time it stops moving.
                It looks like a civilian ship. It sends a message.

                ///INCOMING MESSAGE///

                From: Unknown ship
                To: Station

                We need help ASAP! Our ship seems to have run out of power!
                Life support systems critical.
                Climate control failing.
                Communications systems critical.
                Door control failing.
                Navigation control failing.

                Please send help!

                ///MESSAGE END///


                ///INCOMING MESSAGE///

                From: Merchant ship
                To: Station

                Thank you!
                Due to a lack of oxygen, our captain and 3 other crewmembers are unconscious. Permission to dock the station and deliver them to the medbay?
                Also, we would like to access your station, we are merchants looking to trade.

                Off mic: "Don't say that, they haven't asked yet you $&#%!"

                Uhm, yeah, so, permission to proceed with docking?

                ///MESSAGE END///

                The ship proceeds to move towards the station, this time without cloaking