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The Battle at Beta Torus
Two cardian scouts encounters five sword battleships.

Swords torn down scouts right away.

A patrol comes to rescue two scouts, but too late.
Heavily damaged patrol retreats.
This time, a guardian appears and cuts through the swords, slicing them into pieces.
Another sword comes to rescue, but...
An unknown cardian fighter cuts through the sword, destroying it.
Six swords were destroyed in the battle.

Swords attack. Shields defend.
A Sword will always have 10 Pages, 10 Squires, 10 Knights, and 10 Questors with it.
Same for a Shield.

Do keep in mind that most computers wouldn't be able to run more than a handful swords with such an escort.

    The Cardia Kingdom uses Abh. Any vanilla force that a normal computer can run will not be capable of defeating that Guardian.

      Tickytickytango well, cuz this ship is powerfull. And as you said any vanila ship cant defeat the gurdian socwhat is the point of using escort?

      I didn't say it was impossible for a vanilla force to beat the guardian. I said that a normal computer would not be able to handle that force.

        A fleet of 2 Archons, 5 Lance A and 1 ship of unknown purpose are spotted in the sector.
        Ships are coming in a straight line, almost through the whole sector
        It doesn't look like those ships belong to any side of the conflict

        Dann_The_Cat oh cool! Make your self at home😎

        zergRush99 the jericho faction will not join this war... now.(if you meant that)

        ImTired No, they are not modded.

          mystery_player Yes our friends. See the ships we're beside? Don't infect those. these are our... acquaintances. See the enemies coming towards us? Go wild, Viroids.

          Jesus3747 Yes... And since you are with the cult, our little alliance will help you!

            Drakador_Chaos (Somewhere Terribili is very hyped to see the Cult's version of the Galactognat.)

              Dann_The_Cat (They look cool!)

                Jesus3747 After our poorly led entrance, we're left with 178 Units on the field still functioning, not including Gnats. We should continue moving against the enemy.

                  Impenetra (The Domini Naturae fleet are still beside you and ready for battle.)

                  Impenetra (May my fleet assist yours in the next conflict?)

                  your forces will be met with 1020 ships from the ironclad legion, berry armada, Aqualost council, and the protectors of innocence

                    slowly raises his hand sooo...I got the feeling this war might be getting a little out of hand...with all the modded vs. Vanilla, people are getting quite heated up but I want to deny neither Vanilla or modded since I like them all...
                    (Meanwhile, inside his head:
                    Me2: You know Drak, this is war, it´s never fair...
                    Me1: But...
                    Me2: JUST SH...! ...isn´t it enough I allowed you writing this comment?
                    Me1: ...ok...)

                    Casual_Owl Not to mention the several hundred Mikrelian Ships...

                    Solarwatch The Janusia Fleet, flagship is a Super Cruiser, the Romulus, comprised of a sum total of 250 ships. 100 MSF Type-16 Fighters, 30 Hammer Destroyers, 15 MSF Type-142 Gunships, 40 MSF Type-43 Heavy Scouts, 15 MSF Type-42 Star Destoyers, 1 Medical Station T2 with 4 Medical Frigates, the Romulus, 1 PTI Diplomacy Craft, 3 PTI Executive Transports, 10 MSF Type-93 Heavy Cruisers, and 30 MSF Type-103 Escort Crafts.

                    The Augusta Fleet, commanded by Rear Admiral Lewis, Flagship MSF Type-93 Heavy Cruiser, the Daybreak, comprised of 50 ships, the Daybreak, 9 MSF Type-93's, 10 Type 103's, and 30 Hammer Destoryers.

                    The Julian Fleet, flagship MDC-Type 3 Defense Cruiser, the Brutus, comprised of 70 ships, the Brutus, 9 MDC Type-3's, 30 MDC Type-1 Small Fighters, 10 MDC Type-2 Defense Frigates, 19 MDC Type-6 Battle Frigates, 1 MDC Type-7 Defense Station.