And this is where fun begins ...
/ IA /
Danger, danger, a large fleet of enemy ships are regrouping on the edges of the empire.
The coordinates are ... (?) ..., located in the Beta Ovenga X Star.
/ IA /
Meanwhile the Emperor was discussing the possible threat posed by this ...
Admirals, this is a big problem, we never contemplate the possibility that they would regroup for a major attack. And not only that, there is a big unidentified ship, we do not know what that is and I do not want to see it.
-Mara: So what do we do, Does the Project "Sun Crusher" its ready?
-Emperator: No. It's at 30%.
-Great Admiral: That does not matter, Mara and Archer, their fleets with me. The Crimson fleet will take up the matter. In the meantime call our allies.