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Sombreroman well im still working on my faction but the actuall empire (i guess ill call them that for now) is centerd around minning but they also have a lot of farm worlds and even do a lot of teraforming just havent implamented this into the lore

̮̯̆̑͜͡͝d̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝m̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȋ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝n̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȋ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝n̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝t̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȗ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȓ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝'̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝s̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝l̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝l̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȋ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝n̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝c̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝s̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝n̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝t̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȗ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝s̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝w̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝h̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝n̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝d̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝s̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȗ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȓ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝h̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝l̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝p̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝
̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝T̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȋ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝N̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝F̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝C̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝T̯̮̑̆͜͝͡!̯̮̑̆͜͝͡

jbox1 ̮̯̆̑͜͡͝H̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȋ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝!̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝T̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Y̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝B̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝C̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝K̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝F̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȗ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝L̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝B̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̑̆͜͝͡T̯̮̑̆͜͝͡

Jabenyezaa ̮̯̆̑͜͡͝W̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȓ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȃ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝V̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȋ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȓ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȗ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝N̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝T̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝B̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȗ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝G̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝S̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝!̯̮̑̆͜͝͡!̯̮̑̆͜͝͡

̮̯̆̑͜͡͝H̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Y̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝B̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝L̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝D̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝C̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȗ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝L̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝T̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝W̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝D̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȏ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝W̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȇ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝ ̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝K̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝Ȋ̯̮̮̯̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝L̯̮̮̯̑̆̆̑͜͜͝͡͡͝L̯̮̑̆͜͝͡?̯̮̑̆͜͝͡ @Drakador_Chaos

mystery_player what if your one of the viruses that poses an insect host?

jbox1 ahem well you see, when the viriods infect something they use its nutrients, crew and/or metal to create themselves. so when they find a large ship they make a large ship or lots of small ships. SCIENCE!!!

zergRush99 Anyone can use mods, but not overexploited, like stack 100 Quantum torpedoes from Abh, it would be a mess!

After a serious miscommunication with Mikrelia -- thank Buddha-Christ it was just the A.I. using the wrong choice of words and not an actual navigation error leading them to a non-existent planet -- the first transport fleets began their cargo runs. A few freighters took to developing small deep-space constructions to house reserve crews and provide dedicated sites for NanoTrasen to FTL in reinforcements, personnel, and supplies. Operations began in earnest as freighters flittered between different fleets of the Fighters For Freedom while the Mobile Deterrence Fleet patrolled their respective stations. There part in the war was minor at best, but a refreshing turn from the overwhelming violence and paranoia common to these conflicts.

Jesus3747 BTW you still need to add me to your side XP

...another transmission from the Highpriest came in this time towards the Viroids, he seemed to be a little less patient than the Warlord...
/Transmission Start/
Highpriest: Disable their ships first, should they retaliate, just do whatever you please, I do not care about them.
/Transmission End/

...a transmission from the Highpriest of the Hunters-Cult comes in towards Domini Naturae and the Imperium of the 6 Suns, stating that the Warlord is currently not around, but he will send reinforcements in his name regardless, shortly after that a large swarm (roughly about 250) of the Bugs they saw before were warped in...they looked else than the Domini Naturaes´ though...


image a distance to the Gillbrushian Homeworld a ship appears out of nothingness, seemingly watching the battles and making scans, a few moments later it disappears again without anyone noticing it was there...
The Judges have taken notice of your actions...


We are the Blood Cult, the Cult of the living ships.
We have met a contingent of the Protector's of Innocence fleet in combat. It was constituted of 10 swords, 26 squires, 20 pages and 11 questors. Unremarkably, their forces were effortlesly obliterated, and their people taken. We anticipate the rest of their forces to counter-attack our forces.

Our attack fleet - 2 new generation carriers, the Morningstars, as well as a single Chaos and a squadron of Fights.

The enemy contingent.


A shot of the Morningstar's carrier capabilities.

"Continue The onslaught! DESTROY THEM ALL!!"

Final vestiges of the enemy force.