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Tickytickytango /Trasmission Start/
I will fulfill your request

/transmission start/
this is captain teerian, we've been captured by a pirate gang lead by a striker ship
I believe the pilot is a former crewmember because of the patterns on the ship. if this transmission goes through then please send a rescue party. my location is encrypted in this mes-
/transmission end/

The Protectors will send a Sword and its fighter entourage to help Captain Teerian


/ Incoming Transmission /

Hold on, we're on the way, a nearby patrol is looking for them.


/transmission start/
we were carrying enough ammunition on our ships to arm a whole fleet and still have extra, if they figure out the code to the storage bay there might be pirates fighting in the war if there isn't already.
when you reach us the code is 5831283.
/transmission end/

CaptainDude1000 Looks Nice!

    /transmission start/
    this is the leader of the Wanderer faction reporting, pirate activity has increased around our small borders. we've lost 20% of our faction to pirate gangs raiding and hijacking ships. our BDP( Border Defense Protocol ) has activated and is now holding off, this is only temporary

    BDP carrier releases swarm of fighters against pirate hammerhead

    if you are entering into Wanderer territory please deactivate weapons and wait for scanners to confirm your identity. our borders will be closed until captain teerian and his convoy return.
    /transmission end/

    (Domini Naturae speaker decides to pull out reverse vegan popcorn) (Breaking the Fourth wall) In case anybody realizes, we do not use these "mod" things you humans use... So... could somebody please cover for us? If you need any of our ships we'll send you a working picture... We don't know, We'd just really like to help our friends do something. -Domini Naturae, Breaking the fourth wall and explaining my issue with the war

    Tickytickytango Jesus3747 Uh oh... Enemies trying to do the same goal... This'll not end well.

    This war has gotten out of hand.

    /transmission start/
    heavy breathing
    captain teerin: I think its clear that your bomb worked
    ???: hey, wait, aren't you with the imperium of suns?
    captain teerin: well yes, but also not really, I mean they only hired me to deliver the ammo and they where gonna pay 900k.
    ???: oh ok that makes more sense.
    captain teerin: glad we cleared that up
    /transmission end/

    (All factions pick this up and are able to react anyway thet want)
    In the middle of a system a OMC fleet that is made up of 1 Discovery-Class DPV, 2 OFS-1500, 2 Jakob-Class Frigate, and 1 Spearhead-Class Light Cruiser. but they didnt jump into the system normally there was no FTL trail and visual sensor showed that they jumped in throught something like a portal, and the only thing the sensor could pick up from this portal were extreamly hight levels of energy and radiation, but the ships were free of any radiation, and just to add th the mystery when the sensors came back with information on life signitures the ships had unknown signles and countid in the millions it was almost as if the ship was coverd in some sort of lifeform but the sensor also came back with Terran crew.

    (My goodness, this war is HUGE! so many people)

    If any of your factions would like to be represented in SPAPEC (Space Protection And Peace Elite Council) please send in a request. If enough factions are represented we might be able to discuss this war and end it.

    THE IRON CROSS HAVE RETURED A huge fleet of ships juped out of hyperspace and began to setup shop local colnists were moved and a huge constrution program is happening on the surface also a massive ship named the krrakos is orbiting the planet "AGENT kulluian out"

      A new emperor is reining and we have changed our policies to be more friendly our last emperor was a bit reckless and we had Grand Admiral Thrawn executed for crimes against the galaxy

      if any faction needs support resources we will happily
      help for price of course

      (So is anyone going to agnologe me event XP)