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SPAPEC is an organization that attempts to keep peace throughout the galaxy. Factions can send one representative. Any faction can send a representative regardless of what that faction may be doing or if they are at war with factions which have a representative within SPAPEC. SPAPEC enforces rules such as the Civilian Ship Protection Act. As part of SPAPEC, you can negotiate with other factions before going to war.
Bouldron: Brack Tharsees
Greenfire: Supreme Executive
Draconian Empire: Commander Viggo Grimborn
Wanderers: Gregew
Empire of Suns: ???
Hunters of the Blood Cult: Ark-Mind Atar' Vhoul
Razain: Admiral Terados
AquaLost Council: Zorbrus
Ironclad Legion: Commander Callus
Stellar Combat Fleet: Admiral Fox
Protectors of Innocence: Nora Johnson
The Kel' Shir: Rak' Ashur
Scavengers: Chain
Techromance Inc: Jeff Jeffrey Jefferson
Empire of the Twin Suns: Venarros
Dragonfly: Oshkar'r