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  • Lore / Roleplay
  • Space Protection And Peace Elite Council (SPAPEC) Looking for Representatives

SPAPEC is an organization that attempts to keep peace throughout the galaxy. Factions can send one representative. Any faction can send a representative regardless of what that faction may be doing or if they are at war with factions which have a representative within SPAPEC. SPAPEC enforces rules such as the Civilian Ship Protection Act. As part of SPAPEC, you can negotiate with other factions before going to war.


Bouldron: Brack Tharsees
Greenfire: Supreme Executive
Draconian Empire: Commander Viggo Grimborn
Wanderers: Gregew
Empire of Suns: ???
Hunters of the Blood Cult: Ark-Mind Atar' Vhoul
Razain: Admiral Terados
AquaLost Council: Zorbrus
Ironclad Legion: Commander Callus
Stellar Combat Fleet: Admiral Fox
Protectors of Innocence: Nora Johnson
The Kel' Shir: Rak' Ashur
Scavengers: Chain
Techromance Inc: Jeff Jeffrey Jefferson
Empire of the Twin Suns: Venarros
Dragonfly: Oshkar'r

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The Supreme Executive of Greenfire would like to join.

Of course. Thank you.

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TheSketchyMoose Ok. I vote that Greenfire is allowed the exclusive privilege of being able to test explosives anywhere they want.

All rules made will apply to ALL factions. If you are here for your own personal gain and not to help maintain peace throughout the galaxy, this is not the place for you.

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  • Edited

TheSketchyMoose It IS peace for the whole galaxy. People who want war, I "test" explosives on. Then, BOOM! Everyone's happy again!

Facepalm We discuss averting war not destroying everyone who wants war. We solve things by PEACEFUL means.

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    TheSketchyMoose Oh, well I'll try to be peaceful then. it's not like "Conflict means Profit" or anything...

    tough a little fight now and than shouldnt hurt we do indeed prefer peace to study more thing more rapedly whit out the need of constand new weaponry
    I Commander Viggo Grimborn will represent
    The Draconica Empire in this peace agreement

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    creeperindustry srsly plz use autocorrect u are very disturbing

    unfortunately I cannot say my name but I, the creator and commander of the Wanderer faction, am willing to join

    • [deleted]

    CaptainDude1000 Same, I will never tell you my true name. You shall never have power over me.

    my faction has ease of access to many resource gathering facilities, and we believe we can supply populations with basic required items. we do encourage the Civilian Ship Protection Act as our faction is a civilian-founded group.

      Usually when people send representatives they are lower rank. In the U.S., states send representatives to represent them in the government but the representative is not also the governor of the state. Also, it would help if you shared the representative's name, other factions would trust you more.

      I understand.
      except, admiral ganire and captain teerian are my go to representatives, unfortunately captain teerian appears to be lost and admiral ganire is busy on a long distance convoy trip.
      the only other person I could send currently is engineer mike or one of our many supply managers.


        A ship with marks of the Empire of the Suns lands in the facilities of the Spapec.

        A being with a strange mask and a layer that covers the whole body, descends from the ship, the closer it is, the greater the fear of the guards.

        With an inhuman voice the being says:

        "I am the Representative of the Empire of the Suns, I regret not being able to tell them my name, your minds would not understand"

        a Wanderer scout ship lands in the SPACEC facilities
        a short, chubby alien wearing glasses and holding a clipboard steps out
        uhm, excuse me I uh- I'm here to represent the Wanderer faction, m-my names gregew. I'm from the supply management team.

        Jesus3747 *...the Warlord watches the footage from the arrival,"...sounds like one of the Druids..."...

        TheSketchyMoose ...the Warlord started thinking, there was no other high ranked humanoid sentient beings in the Hunters Cult, apart of him and the High Priest...he walked in circles for a while then he nodded, he created a warp-field and threw a holo-communicator in, which promptly landed on the desk of the conference room of the SPAPEC, where it started playing it´s first message...
        /Interaction Start/
        I´m the Ark-Mind Atar´Vhoul, sent here for political purposes by the Warlord.
        He cannot send any humanoids, since he lacks those and cannot attend personally.
        If you need to negoiate you can do so with me, I will consult the Warlord afterwards.*
        /Interaction Stop/

        a gaint smoke cloud appears
        an unkown object appears and lands in the SPACEC facilities
        a door opens and bright coloured lights shine from the craft loud music starts playing

        a dragonoid/humanoid figure apears in the door and dances whit the music down to the ground
        music just stops playing and lights go off

        Wellll this is awkward anyways i Viggo Grimborn have arrived