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(All factions pick this up and are able to react anyway thet want)
In the middle of a system a OMC fleet that is made up of 1 Discovery-Class DPV, 2 OFS-1500, 2 Jakob-Class Frigate, and 1 Spearhead-Class Light Cruiser. but they didnt jump into the system normally there was no FTL trail and visual sensor showed that they jumped in throught something like a portal, and the only thing the sensor could pick up from this portal were extreamly hight levels of energy and radiation, but the ships were free of any radiation, and just to add th the mystery when the sensors came back with information on life signitures the ships had unknown signles and countid in the millions it was almost as if the ship was coverd in some sort of lifeform but the sensor also came back with Terran crew.

(My goodness, this war is HUGE! so many people)

If any of your factions would like to be represented in SPAPEC (Space Protection And Peace Elite Council) please send in a request. If enough factions are represented we might be able to discuss this war and end it.

THE IRON CROSS HAVE RETURED A huge fleet of ships juped out of hyperspace and began to setup shop local colnists were moved and a huge constrution program is happening on the surface also a massive ship named the krrakos is orbiting the planet "AGENT kulluian out"

    A new emperor is reining and we have changed our policies to be more friendly our last emperor was a bit reckless and we had Grand Admiral Thrawn executed for crimes against the galaxy

    if any faction needs support resources we will happily
    help for price of course

    (So is anyone going to agnologe me event XP)

    /transmission start.
    this is captain teerin, I've escaped those pirates and i'm lost on the edge of what I believe is the border between three sectors.
    /transmission end/

    Jared (Three Galactognats come in to investigate.)

    Jared One Rising Star cruiser come in to investigate...

    Jared sending 2 Yelloidian's research ship's and an Frodonian mobileshipyard and 2 Xantia cruisers to investigate.

    Sombreroman Jesus3747
    as you get closer the wepon systems turn on fallowed by a message
    /Incoming Transmission/
    This is Caption Geroge, M, Samwell, reverce your corce or you will be fierd apon, this is OMC govermental and Military importance, dont ask questions just (static fallowed by screams and gunshots).
    /Transmission Ends fallowed by a destress signle/
    the ships slow down and stop, you notice that the Terran crew lif signels drop by 75% and the unknown life signel raises by 75%, you also notice that all power has bein cut exept for a few areas that seam to be air lock's.

    Jared The Imperial ship asks for reinforcements, but it maintains its position, they know that there is something inside, that perhaps should not have been discovered ...

    /transmission start/
    I got knocked unconscious, I think I'm aboard a large ship of some sort, I heard an announcement saying something about military importance followed by screams... I can't think strait, somethings messing with my head and I keep seeing thing move out of the corner of my eye...
    ugh, I've gone in a circle! I need to find the medical room, ugh, my head hurts...
    /transmission end/

    random soldier on board the Xantia cruiser: I WAS JUST WATCHING RICK AND MORTY!

      Jared Two of the Galactognats lose interest, but one goes even closer to the strange energy.

      As you get closer the portal re apears but with a hight energy reading, one of the crew members starts freaking out and runs off, your couldent under stand what he was saying but soundid like iw was a constructed language

      Jared on board of one Xantian cruisers:

      both the Yelloidian research and the Frodonian and one of the Xantian ships warp away whit an yet unkown way whit loud bang and thunder

      • Edited

      /Incoming Code Red Message/
      (a voice wispers) This is private Max, J, williums, if you are hearing this get your best troops on here we need help, we are siting at airlock 02, i repeat........... (he gose quiter and in the back round there are foot steps fallowed by a growl) oh gd oh god oh god...... plz no....... (the foot steps get quiter and quiter) thank god, listen like i said if your hearing this we are at air lock 02 we need your help ill answer any questions you have one you get here........... and if i dont survive............. just tell my wife and kids i love them. (more foot steps pass by) fuck fuck fuck (then screams are heard that came from the other side of the ship)
      /Transmission Ends and is put on loop/

      Jared (Galactognats aren't ships they're insects, So Instead I guess It's beginning to hear it?) It becomes scared but interested. It moves in to bump into the ship slowly.