As the retreat continued, even under heavy fire, the beasts did not even seem to flinch, the UEG's bombardment of the retreating beasts burst several of the samller ones to red mist, which was also being dragged back to the rift...
Then, a flash of light, a burst of neutral particles, the GBE fleet firing it's spinal weapons, all directed at the same target, with a dull satisfaction they watched the massive warpriest being torn apart, accompanied by one last terrifying psionic screeching, just before they actually reached the eye and the beast burst into red mist...
The Warpriest was gone.
So, were all the other beasts...
As the last patches of the red mist were pulled back into the otherworldly tear and the sensor interferences ceased, all that was left was corpses and debris.
Standing testimony for the price they had paid for what was an unclear victory...
Then, reality seemed to shudder, time-space bent, stretched, convulsed and the tear closed and with the last readings of the tears presence fading, the massive black tendril disappeared from the borders as well, as sudden as it had appeared...
It seems that, at least for the moment, the invasion was over, it's purpose and reason still lying in the dark.
As both nations were collecting the corpses, debris and escape pods across the battlefield, they made yet another rather terrifying, although at this point not surprising, discovery.
The occupants of each and every escape pod which had been cought within the confines of the Mist, were dead, not killed killed by physical trauma or violence, rather it seemed as if something had almost literally, fried their brains, overloading them with an excess of information, shortly before they broke down entirely.
Though, it was not the last of it, aside from the ominous dead, there was also one other thing of... rather disturbing nature.
Each and every corpse had a message carved into its' back, most presumably after their death, those who had been still alive, likely during the information overload...
Even more ominous than that was the fact it was not written in any known language, more something akin to runes, yet each individual looking at them, could quite clearly tell what it said.
The 'message' sounded almost like a part of a prophecy, like a short segment out of something... greater.
Something yet to come.
As Light and Darkness fall,
Chaos will rise.
Judgement will be passed upon the world by the abandoned and fallen,
rising from the ashes of forgotten empires.
The following days were... unexpectedly peaceful, there was no new tendril, no tear, no beasts storming their borders and yet a feeling of uncertainty was hanging over the battlefield for quite a while after the attack...