- Edited
As soon as the jump finished Stantine came to the conclusion that adjusting the course had been a wise decision, alarms rang and control lights blinked, as the path which they would´ve jumped originally was cut off by the red mist, consequently also shutting off all communication with the UEG fleet and blocking sight and readings on the Cultbeasts...
It seems they had gained some time, though whether that was minutes or mere seconds was a question none of them could answer, additionally whilst they didn´t know what had happened after they jumped, there was no terrifying screeching this time, which lead to the conclusion that the Warpriest must be still alive, whether it still had it´s eye or not...
In the meanwhile, unbeknownst to the GBE the torpedos rushed across space whilst the beasts took a sharp turn, to follow the disappeared fleet, in response, rather than hitting the eye or the jaws, the torpedos hit more like a broadside, explosions raged tearing a large chunk out of the right side of the remaining warpriest, impairing it considerably as parts of its body were missing but leaving it and it´s eye alive...
The beasts began heading towards the mist which had been expanding since the UEG entered the fray, with the Warpriest slightly trailing behind, hidden by the wall of mist from senors and sight, headed to their prey...
The projectiles ripped up the station as if it was made of paper, penetrating armour and erupting into explosions that suggested an anti-matter-like substance being involved, though as detrimental as the quick loss of the station was, there was little time to grief, as the beasts were advancing.
The fighter which tried to pick of targets seemed to have considerably issues outmanouvering or even keeping up with the smaller beasts and in consequence getting closer to the larger ones due to the interruptions, whilst the fighters were undoubtedly top of the line technology for the UEG, the beasts had been born into space and lived there ever since, giving them a natural advantage in terms of movement...
Lasers and plasmabolts flashed up, using their lower range weaponry and point defense to assault any smaller spacecraft that came near...
The fusion rockets on the othe rhand seemed to be considerably more effective than the other weaponry they fielded, frequntly ripping holes into beasts and taking down a good dozen of the smallers ones and damaging some of th emid sized ones, additionally spreading out the formation seemed to have been a good idea, as, whilst that lessened their defense overall, now each ship had to picked off individually, although how much the damage they had dealt to the beasts was worth was an inconclusive matter.
The beasts in turn roared in fury, the horde split into two about equal sized groups one heading to each side of the UEG fleet, although visual confirmation was hard due to the other beasts around it, the energy signatures indicated the Largest of the beasts was with the group which was partly moving in teh shadow of the destroyed station, both a blessing and a curse, whilst they couldn´t fire at the supporting fleet, solely focusing on point defense, the fleet couldn´t fire at them either and there was a quite considerable energy spike building up in the largest of the beasts...
In the meanwhile the other group retaliated with another volley from their main weapons, more of the high energy projectiles crossed space towards the UEG coming from the mid sized beasts, whilst the smaller ones were focusing on the defense of the group, apparently even taking hits for the larger beasts without hesitation if necessary...
...and then another issue popped up, sensors indicated a short range ftl jump, which had been, judging by the position, the GBE fleet as moments later confirmed by sensors and visuals, they did get out of the firing range of their own assailants but likewise were they cut off from the UEG fleet by the ever expanding cloud of red mist, now concealing both the GBE fleet and the other group of beasts, they would have to fend for themselves until the UEG fleet had confirmation on what was going on the other side of the mist, though they certainly didn´t lack problems on their own side as the beasts were fast approaching...