ONI Drakador_Chaos
Nurses in white uniforms where running around the bridge carrying bodies or moving seemingly insane bridge crew out of the bridge.
The navigator quickly made a new course for the fleet with his hands in a holographic replica of the battle, as some half damaged, torn up and burned main thrusters swung the ships around and fled at high burn away from the spreading mist.
The battle was not yet over, Stantine knew it. But his ships would deliver the final blow soon enough. But first, he had to warn the UEG.
”Comms operator,” he said, ”tell them what we learned about their weaponry.”
The Comms operator flicked a few switches and pressed a button on his holoscreen.
”This is the HMS Fortune to battle group Quebec, the largest beast is identified as a warpriest, you must keep di— Battle group Quebec do you read me? Do you read me?”
The transmission tried to reach the UEG fleet but to no avail.
”It appears as the mist is interfering with our communications.” said the Comms operator.
”Improvise then.” said Stantine.
”Uh I got it. Computer write it all down and upload the data to a C-5 and fly it over to the UEG fleet.”
transferring data
As the message was being prepared the GBE fleet took the opportunity to resupply and repair as they were heading away from the mist. Drone traffic looked like a morning on Anrillia as they transported ammo and missiles. Nanobots and repair drones were replacing parts of large railgun batteries and turrets. Ships were docking with each other sending over railgun shells. Drones slid nuclear missiles into their launchers slots. Larger repair ships injected some sort of liquid which immediately solidified into holes in the armour. Others had spare plates of ceramics, metal foam, metal nanocomposites and other pieces of armour which were applied. Barrels where replaced and new ones where connected to the turrets. The fleet also took its time to recharge shields and spinal lance weapons. Even though the fleet was battered and damaged, it was now ready for round 2.
In the hangar white lights illuminated the large space and high ceiling. A thin cloud smoke slithered across the floor. Fuel hoses were disconnected from the three C-5g emperor fighters that sat on their landing gear all next to each other. Missiles where lifted up my mechanical arms onto their hardpoints. The pilots, after taking their drugs, walked up the ladder that reached up to the cockpit. They jumped into their seats as a ground crew attached the nervous chord into their neck slot. As their minds merged with the ships AI their brain was overwhelmed by sensor data and information. The spotlights turned on, so did the cockpit displays. Green indicators and information displays appeared on screens, as holograms and as just projected straight into their “vision” through the AI.
”Gatherer 3 all systems green.”
”Gatherer 1 all green.”
”Gatherer 7 all systems green.”
The pilots could hear the scrambled voice of fighter coordination that said,
”Gatherer 3, 1 and 7, you are all cleared for launch.”
The fighters glided forward smoothly and their landing gear clicked into the electromagnetic catapult. They got the signal to launch and they pushed the throttle. Their ships were thrown out of the hangar like toys. The thrusters smoothly focusing blue plasma to accelerate the group of fighters.
”Gatherer Squadron heading north-north-east, engagement speed.”
The group of fighters now banked about 200 degrees to the right. They where going to fly around the mist, behind and around the rift (not between the rift and the BC groups engaging the GBE.