KrankysFirebrand48 I am.
United Earth Government
HO another earth
A single corvette appears on the edge of UNSC territory, approaching slowly.
- Edited
3 escorts meet the corvette and hail it to follow them to a station for docking
The corvette lazily approaches and follows the codking instructions. Once the process is over, they await inspection.
There are a few moments of silence before the answer comes :
"You have been granted permission to board and inspect. Doors are opened."
With that, a nearby door from what looked like perfectly blended side of the corvette opens, and a ramp extends towards the inspector.
Romando07 The inspector trailed by 2 UNSC marines (unarmed) carrying scanners, while the docking master pulls out a pen clicks the top and begins walking around the ship, taking notes on his clipboard while the 2 marines scan for hidden compartments and such.
The Docking Master turns to the ships captain, and asks him to state thier name for the record.
"My name is captain Tarik." he says in official voice. He appears to be a man in white-gold uniform with a little star badge on his chest.
"We are in no need of supplies or fuel thank you. I was sent on a diplomatic mission to establish contact and potential treaties. May I speak with someone who has the authority?"
Romando07 "Right this way Captain, we have a dropship ready to take you to the surface"
They follow the Docking Master to a small dropship hangar to find a freshly painted and scrubbed pelican waiting for them. The 70mm swivel nose gun has been removed and the dropships wings missile mounts are empty.
Tarik enters the dropship without questions and waits.
Romando07 "Welcome aboard Cpatain", the pilot exclaims "Im Warrent Officer Ryan Mckay and ill be taking you to the surface" the pilot turns around in his seat and starts flipping control switches and buttons. The captsin notices on the back of his flight helmet a sticker that reads stop screaming im scared too. With a sudden hiss the dropships rear door closes and the pilot awaits for the all clear to depart.
"Docking station to Greenflight, permision to depart"
The pilot responds " acknowledged, departing now"
"Captain sir this could be a wild ride so hold on to your potatoes"
The dropship speeds out of the hanger, initiates a slight roll towards the planet, passing freighters and warships alike.
The captain says nothing and doesnt look too disturbed by the flight, but he is however holding tight to his seat while observing the ship.