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Catplayz (Just for context; is it Rak'Ashur, the one who first talked with the VWP?)

(Nope, its the leader of the Fleet at your borders.)

    Catplayz (Don't see why those need to mutually exclusive but 'kay, was asking for the wording of this.)

    After the scan data returns, the hangar guards lower their railcanons. A relatively young, black furred Vaiaelon with a light scar on one ear walks into the room shortly after, wearing the same robes Rak'Ashur recalled.

    "Welcome. There is a secure meeting room down the hall, follow me and do not mention any... sensitive information until we arrive."

    Soundbust11 (Because Interstellar politics and leading a large armed force require a different set of skills and i find it unrealistic for one of my characters to be good at almost anything.)

    The Kel'Shir nods.
    He follows the Vaiaelon.

    7 days later

    He is led to a comfortably sized room with a large holotable dominating the center. A thick metal door slowly closes behind them. After a bit of tapping at an interface by the Vaiaelon, the holotable switches to a display of the VWP border, Kel'Shir positions and numbers displayed with markers with noticeable accuracy.


    "Now then, to business. I've said all I believe is worth saying as to my nation's intentions already, you may speak freely."

    "My people are aware of the Regimes questionable ideologies and the atrocities committed because of them. However, our alliance is not based on our ideals, but on a mutual reliance on each others strengths in a time before the GSR became a leading power and before our seekers searched the entire galaxy for holy artifacts. In the end, they are as much of a tool for us as the TIE is for you and as we are to the Regime. Know that, should the Regime cross a certain line, get in our way or outlive its usefulness we will take appropriate measures. Until that happens however, we are using our influence on to form them into a faction whose ideals can be respected and accepted, though of course, there is no guarantee on the success of this at present. But know this: Now is not the time for a clean slate. Others, whose influence is by no means preferable to that of the GSR would simply fill that vacuum and sooner or later new conflicts, similar to this one would rise."

    "My my, a humanoid who listens to logic... I can understand your reasoning, however scenarios similar to this one are not without precedent in my people's history. Many a time have ahem 'mislead' individuals weaved their way into positions of power, only to abuse it and commit horrendous atrocities. 'Hindsight is 20/20' they say, and always the questions asked are 'Why didn't they act sooner? Couldn't they see what was going to happen?'

    Waiting and hoping that tragedies don't come solves nothing, it's always just a matter of time. We intend to spare the innocent billions of tomorrow by sacrificing the soldiers of today. It is a terrible decision to have to make, but one that must be made nonetheless.

    As for the conflicts you speak of, we are prepared for that, and we will strike them down as well. Future conflicts are inevitable, as is human nature, the least we can do is make sure we fight for the right reasons."

    "We are fully capable of intervening before the tragedies happen and will do so if necessary. Right now however the Regime's expansion is practically non existent, due to the tactical advantage the warp provides as their current border. Also, you cannot expect to win every battle and every war your people will find themselves in, even with your military strength."

    9 days later

    "Tell me, what benefit does keeping the Reich around provide the Kel'Shir people? Your economy is more then capable of sustaining itself, to my knowledge, and you military is renowned across the galaxy. All you do by leaving them be is place a ticking time bomb at your own borders.

    Perhaps you are right. Perhaps we won't be able to stand to all who would prefer to see us as heads on pointy sticks. But by that same token, how can you be so sure that the Reich will bend to you once they cross that metaphorical line? The sooner the GSR is acted upon, the more likely anyone is to succeed, as in case you haven't noticed, their technological development isn't exactly slowing down, nor is their military strengthening."

    5 days later

    "I understand your doubts. But a time will come, when my people once more may have to rely on that military strength, despite our won accomplishments. A war between them and us would only drag out over several decades and leave no victors, but only few and scattered survivors in the crumbling ruins of once powerful civilizations. However, as time progresses we may be able to shift this balance of power into our favor. My people stand on the verge of several breakthroughs, bringing us ever closer to the one goal which has driven our civilization for generations. One that if reached, would allow us to ascend."

    Catplayz "You seem to deal in hypotheticals a lot, let me put it like this: The Reich may not commit the mass genocide that all evidence points to, and you may reach these breakthroughs that may allow you to ascend; or, The Reich may decide enough's enough after their military and technological growth, your breakthroughs may fail, and then we all may be fucked, excuse my language.

    Your species have a saying, do they not? If something can go wrong it will. Our history has shown this time and time again...

    As for the projected casualies... let me propose this. I beleive most members of your precious RSC fight againt Thrawn, not for the Nazis, an important distinction to make. Say we managed to convince them to change allegiances...

    "I fear the idea you propose is going to fail at present, at least while Thrawns Empire still stands and continues to challenge us. On a later day however, once the war is won and the Reich has fallen out of favor with the others, your plan may come to fruition."

    Catplayz GBE busts in, “HERECY!” Throws nuke that detonates in room.

      6 days later

      "Thrawn's Empire remains untouchable, even to his most loyal soldiers still trapped in this galaxy. The "TIE" you are facing is on its last legs, far cut off from its home. For our purposes they are just a source of canon fodder. Once the GSR falls, dealing with the Imperials will be a trivial matter. Though... perhaps not all will see it as such. I will put your proposals before the counsel, however do not assume anything, I cannot guarantee our forces withdrawal."

      24 days later

      a small exploration ship exits hyperspace in the Vaiaelon War Pact's home system
      notes: the highly automated ship needing only one person to operate

        Within the minute, it's surrounded by 300m gunships and several pocket carriers. Before the pilot even has time to comprehend what's happening, his craft shakes. The ship reports several breaches in the hull, the pattern forming resembling footprints. Looking up through the glass canopy, they see a towering mecha traversing accross the hull, stopping above and aiming its sizeable main gun straight at them.
        //Transmission Start//
        "You are trespassing in Vaiaelon War Pact territory. You will be interrogated and your ship will be dismantled, this is non-negotiable. Exit the craft immediately or face complete destruction."
        //Transmission End//

        ho in another damn Xeno
        //Transmission Start//
        I am a scientist from the Jinaris Empire I came here with orders from my emperor to make contact with your civilization
        before you say i'm just a miserable xeno, i'm imperial, you're imperial, we have things in common

        Soundbust11 the ship's hull starts to repair itself quickly by nano bots

          The pilot mumbles to himself "Typical ape..." he hits the gun barrel forward cracking the canopy slightly
          //Transmission Start//
          "The situation is not as one dimensional as that. I will say again; this is non-negotiable."
          //Transmission End//

            Soundbust11 United hummus front warps out with superior method to "switsh" and uses psionics to turtur everryioen on the VSE shsop. Fox scumm dwie lmao haha and wepon oliterate fleet then black hole all system lmao VWIP died lol. Then the captiin says haha we killedd te patethic zenos