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Oneye Please make a copy of the formatting this time, it was not easy wrangling the source out of the forum before and I'd rather not have to go through the whole process again.

Timmy heyy, so, have you got the basic understanding of the game with this guide? I helped writing it : p

He didn't write a weakness for missile barge...

SpheaI cuz there are no weakness

    SpheaI Will be fixed when I have the time

      SpheaI the weakness is itself, or maneuvering.

        18 days later

        @Oneye, @Fort_Master_Gustav, what are your opinions on grid-aligning triangles? Something like an ISD-type ship? Here's my premier Superdreadnought (uses Kroom's Forge, Huge Ships and SW ACD).

        If y'all don't mind, please give me criticism on what all is wrong with it and tell me how I can make it better. Thanks!

        ScapeCore47 Most modded ships that size are strong enough to to destroy anything without much though to reactor/shield/weapon placement. so you should be fine. you could of course modulise it to reduce lag and maybe a slight performance upgrade
        Also, this is mainly a post about vanilla ships below 10 mill so could you please not post modded ships.

        ScapeCore47 Yes, this is a guide for vanilla ships under 8-10mill as kieffer5101 said.

          Oneye Ok, thanks for the feedback anyways!

            I have a tip.
            Don't have long strips of conveyors on large ships. Even though it will probably make the ship more efficient it's not worth the risk of easily having large cannon shots going through them and doing lots of damage.
            Conveyors aren't known to be strong. Instead have spots where the crew will have to go around a block of armor to increase the strenght. It will slow down the crew alot, but it will be worth it for the extra strenght!

            NOVA conveyors are pretty useless overall, most of the time corridors are just faster.

            Oneye You might want to throw a link to the tournament thread now that I have it stickied permanently. I feel like this guide is mostly relevant to MP and not SP so it's probably not a bad idea to tell people what the "standard" MP settings are - especially since they sometimes change.

            thatPolarBear Well the same stuff applies for corridors.

              NOVA but conveyors cost more money you could use for more armor

                kieffer5101 Some ships may work way better with conveyors. Some of my ships just die against ships if they don't have conveyors.

                thank you