Oneye Just wanted to let you know, the picture that is 'trying' to show us the difference between the shields being protected by armor and shields not being protected by armor has an issue. They are both the exact same ship. I sat watching the ships for over 5 minutes trying to see a difference... that is 5 minutes of my life I will never get back...
Fort_Master_Gustav I was looking at the wrong picture lol...
Fort_Master_Gustav. Hi fort master gustav! Im finally here!
ImTired It happens, feel free to criticize it ^ - ^
ImTired You were looking at the door placement example picture, maybe should pick a different ship with more door places so it's more noticable.
This guide... Is perfection! I will soon go in depth of vanilla, to up my skills, and this guide just gave so much usefull information and tips!! Well done!
Namek Well it's not done yet. 🙂
Namek Thanks, still, experimenting and gathering experience to get the general "feel" of the game and its strategies is just as important as knowing how to build effectively, good luck.
Oneye Did you make this, deleted it, and remade it afterwards? I seem to have responded yesterday to a not existing version.
Alpha he did, there seemed to be some issues editing the last one to put the right formatting
Alpha Yes, for some reason if anyonI tried to edit the post it would cause chrome to reload the page, there were also problems with the bbcode.
Oneye Sweet post, keep up the great work.
Oneye Please make a copy of the formatting this time, it was not easy wrangling the source out of the forum before and I'd rather not have to go through the whole process again.
Timmy heyy, so, have you got the basic understanding of the game with this guide? I helped writing it : p
Fort_Master_Gustav. Yeperdoo, thanks it has helped me a lot!
He didn't write a weakness for missile barge...
SpheaI cuz there are no weakness
SpheaI Will be fixed when I have the time
SpheaI the weakness is itself, or maneuvering.