Updated for 0.15.8
This one's a big one!
After quite a long time I felt it was necessary to completely re-write most of the guide. The weapon guide and ship type section are mostly the same, but the rest of the guide has gotten a much-needed redo.
- Replaced the "Ship Design Basics" section with "Ship Design Tips"
- Added a Cost-Efficiency section
- Added a Practicality section
- Added a Summary section at the beginning
- Updated many of the example ships in the Ship Types section
- Removed many of the challenge cards for the time being and updated some of the ships.
- Removed the People's Tips section (it was too out-of-date)
Many of the pictures and challenge card ships were removed. I will add up-to-date pictures and examples throughout the next week when I have time. I am still waiting on some GESCUP (the project responsible for updating guide ships) submissions as well, so expect more ships to be added soon.