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Atarlost It is possible to change BH in a way that if a ship is attacked all other ships will defend it even if they have no vision on the attacker, it is also possible to make small fleets of ships, its just that i have not focus on BH much as its going to change soon, anyway.
Right now BH has mostly aesthetics ships, testing anything against them is not a good way to measure something,
even AI vs AI in creative mode is not a good way to test ships, especially fighters since there is no AI designed for them.

Any ship that is fast enough can beat those two ships, doesn't matter if it is a vanilla ship or a fighter made with the mod because at that amount of accelerators it take ages to reload and the DPS drops drastically.

Mass Drive is only overpowered against ships that are slow and has bad defense, same thing happens with vanilla missiles, against a slow ship that has no flak or pd.

I agree that the fighter weapons are a bit overpowered, i have to do them like that. My idea of fighter is that they should shoot with this powerful weapons for a small amount of time before needing to wait a a few second to recharge, a that point they should focus on dodging incoming fire or running away until the weapons are totally charged. Because there is no AI that support that, i had to make them use less energy so they can shoot constantly instead of sitting there and be an easy target.

But even so, these fighters are not all powerfull and they have many counters, vanilla shields is the most notable one because they have tons of regeneration.
I made this fighter to show you what i mean:


If you make them fight you will see that the dps is not enough to take down the shields.
This other fighter can also destroy it with its alpha strike:


Bombers has the ability to deal a massive amount of damage in a second, they advantage is that they usually can get away without taking much damage while fighters that need to stay for several seconds will lost several of them.

I can probably nerf fighters weapons a little bit, but not as much as not been overpower, until there is an AI specifically made for them or nobody will use them.

    So i love this mod and i have created a lot of different ships and stations with it, and i have an Idea/Request.

    Idea/Request: Allow Teleporters to teleport Batteries into Energy Storages.
    i have created a "Convoy-ish" style fleet with a bunch of Cannon Ships with Ammo Storages but no factories.
    and 1 or 2 supply ships with Teleporters and Ammo Factories but little offense.
    Ive also done the same thing with Missiles and i want to try the same thing with Energy.

    Plus it could be used for a cool challenge where you have your main ship/ships with ONLY energy storage's and no reactors.
    And then you have a station with Reactors and Teleporters, So you have to stay near and protect your station and the distance you can travel outside its teleporter range is determined by your ship's energy storage.
    You could have supply ships with LARGE energy storage and a teleporter to supply your ships when your out of the range of your station

    I hope you consider my idea, i would REALLY appreciate it if you did add the idea

      WaffleGames There is no Hellbringer Cannons in my mod so it must be some other mod you have installed.

      Teleporting to Energy storages could be nice, i will try it.


        Also the Hellbringer cannons was indeed from another mod, i forgot it was......whoops XD

          @Kroom hello, an idea of when we'll have reskinned med and large reactors ?

          Tyaestysu I will probably do it, but no idea when.

            I've been playing again fairly regularly, and I keep running into areas where there aren't quite any parts that function the way that I'm hoping they do. I normally tend to use the AbH 1x1 fusion reactor for small craft, but I would love to be able to get a 1X2 reactor with reasonable stats. Reasonable in this case being "1/3 the performance and storage of a vanilla 2X2 reactor" If the 1X1 Kroom Reactor's stats are already somewhere in that range, then midway between the 1X1 Kroom and the 2X2 Vanilla.

            Other than that, your mod continues to redefine the low-tier game and is perfect for adding that little touch to mid-tier and larger craft. Vulcan Blasters are the perfect fighter-scale weapon to slap across the port and starboard sides of escorts and pocket battleships. They're great for occupying enemy shields if you have something else that can come in and break them.

            Finally, RCS blocks. You, sir, are a monster and a genius. I'm able to make microfighters that can pace my big ships with nothing more than a single 1X2 Vector Thruster. My last game had me keeping microfighters around to pick at HP on larger ships until my secondary escort craft were being replaced with 500k-1M shield knockers and missile ships.

            Currently, I am behaving and not making alpha-strike torpedo bombers and a teleporter-enabled station to feed them. I haven't done the battles yet, but I'm guessing that you can field 3-5 50K bomber craft and a single 100K tank (probably with a penetration weapon and anti-missile defense and little else) and wipe the floor with everything up to Tier 4. But, the temptation is there.

            Your work is wonderful, as always.

              12 days later

              hi Kroom, i wondered if you could do different colored type of thrusters?

                a suggestion could you please create a roof mounted phaser and a large version one for Version 14.14c possibly

                  8 days later

                  I've been having an issue where my ships won't go back onto the landing pad, is this a normal bug or am I doing it wrong?

                    driller24 what do you mean? do you have collision avoidance off?

                      Kroom turns out that was the problem, thanks!

                        BlackHole-Pine i said no offence for a reason. and i figured out how to use it so its cool either way

                          Kroom i figured it out... my bad.
                          i didnt mean any offence from that

                            12 days later

                            how do I install thy mod
                            it looks fun to use

                              acidcave like every other mod

                                its my first time

                                  acidcave google it

                                    I don't have google

                                    acidcave youtube... their are also multiple guides on how too