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How big can a ship be but still fit in a hangar?, just wondering thank you

    In theory as big as your computer can handle. But the hard limit might be a grid of 160002. But I've build larger structures of up to 20 km with earlier version.

      i got an idea,how about larger thrusters
      and another one that i think is interesting an thruster that uses an extremely powerful blast that launches the ship at an certain direction,like an emergency strafe thruster so you can dodge an killing blow or a critical hit,but the catch is that you can only use it once,but you can use it again if you repair the ship since the blast is so powerful that it exausts and damages the thruster severly.
      but no colateral damage,just the thruster is damaged once active.
      you can scrap the idea if you want but it would be good to have that.

        or even diferent sizes of docking bays...that would be good as well.

          OR a diferent type of missile that is just a very large h.e missile.
          and since its so big it would need an different launcher.
          like an 8 blocks long and 3 blocks wide...idk.

            or another missile an point defence missile pod
            like an 4 wide 4 long missile pod that has very teeny tiny missiles that are so smol that you can fit 2 in one block.

            please consider the ideas that you think are interesting

            or don't...

            im used to it.

              mah_dispenser Interesting ideas, I'll keep them in mind.

              Kroom I'd love to see a version of the missile launcer, but the missiles come out of the roof, so it may seem like it is coming from a certain level of a ship.

                Things are becoming more and more like Abh 😆

                  The game keeps crashing when i load it up with GCW. I tried the fix but it still crashes

                    Mattx328 Do you have kroom's decals and GCW active at the same time?

                    Ultranova Kroom's Forge and GCW incompatible right now, idk about the decals though

                      BlackHole-Pine They're compatible if you do the fix.

                        Ultranova no

                        Mattx328 first of all i have both gcw and krooms forge downloaded when i did the fix i made a few mistakes
                        1 do not rename the file
                        2 do not put it in and then delete the origanal textfile. there is an optian that says: replace and delete

                        Mattx328 Are you using my decal pack? if so, try the light version.

                          Kroom kroom why is there a drone in your files but not ingame?

                            Roasted i was planning to do a campaign one day and the drone was a part of it.

                              Kroom you do know i am able to set buildible to true and use it